1. bin/ansible-test 31 total

#60215 Support running ansible-test on collections outside a collection root
#68365 Some way to customize junit callback plugin in ansible-test run for a collection
#68685 ansible-test doesn't recognize modules written in bash
#69981 `ansible-test` gives precedence to roles/ over tests/integration/targets/
#72634 Make ansible-test automatically install collection dependencies
#74287 ansible-test network-integration does not copy host_vars/group_vars to temp directory created when the command is executed
#77304 Cannot run ansible-test sanity behind a proxy
#77506 Allow an `__init__.py` to contain a doc string
#78278 ansible-test --changed crashes when there are untracked symlinks to directories
#78346 ansible-test sanity - please skip `files/` and `templates/` in collection roles and playbooks by default
#79784 ansible-test errors on non python or powershell based modules
#80631 Prepare for upcoming `setuptools` breaking changes
#82014 Support testing in "externally managed" environments
#82016 Create stable branches for default container repos
#82214 ansible-test uses hardcoded `/tmp` with tempfile.mkdtemp() instead of relying on env vars
#82411 Error when using ansible-test with `--docker` arg inside a docker container
#83034 Add docs for setting up ansible-test
#83090 Update the supported coverage versions
#83091 Add support for Python 3.13
#83092 Update the OS for the base and default containers
#83093 Update the AZP test container
#83094 Drop support for Python 3.10 on the controller
#83096 Replace Ubuntu 20.04 with 24.04 in ansible-test
#83097 Replace Fedora 39 with 40 in ansible-test
#83098 Replace FreeBSD 14.0 with 14.1 in ansible-test
#83099 Replace Alpine 3.19 with 3.20 in ansible-test
#83100 Replace RHEL 9.3 with 9.4 in ansible-test
#83101 Update sanity test requirements
#83102 Update PowerShell and .NET in the base container
#83103 Create stable branches for default container repos
#83234 ansible-test: CentOS 7: lots of 502s

2. lib/ansible/executor/task_executor.py 28 total

#41621 [WIP] Issue 24215: Enable verbosity setting on a per-task basis.
#49294 Undefined built-in variable when used within a loop
#52739 Use ssh key from vault
#56345 `ignore_errors: {{ ansible_check_mode }}` is always true
#56817 Adding loop_control.notify_scope
#62151 [WIP] loop_control until feature
#62906 only last iteration will be effective using set_fact with delegation to update object
#64961 WIP Performance Work
#66816 Devel perf work
#72553 [POC] Add projection feature for registering vars - Option 2
#73309 Add Playbook and PlaybookInclude into parent chain
#73828 another step away from pc
#73838 [wip] Get connection
#74259 [POC] Support unpacking loop vars
#75215 new set_var
#75240 `include_role` fails, when evaluating inventory variables with template as value also fails
#75854 fix task state handling
#76430 WIP: bypass ansible-connection for existing connections
#76972 Using illumos/solaris controller fails with termios.error: (22, 'Invalid argument')
#77614 [PoC] Add loop_control.lookup
#80787 avoid connection leaks (#80532)
#80932 Evaluate how ansible-connection is spawned for improvement
#81905 module_defaults doesn't work with `action/local_action`
#82730 Use underlying `AnsibleError` exception as cause
#82770 [PoC] Don't inherit stdio
#83158 task timeout failure should indicate timeout for programatic use
#83198 TaskTimeout failure indication in result
#83206 timeout give extra info

3. lib/ansible/modules/apt.py 27 total

#28991 apt module does not update cache before checking release exists
#38791 apt autoremove and autoclean ignored when other options are set
#46112 Cannot remove sysvinit with apt module on debian wheezy
#46314 Using apt module, something changes but changed remains false and the change seems undetected
#49020 Prevent remove anything while installing package with apt
#51218 apt module reports an error when package is included in `apt-mark hold`
#51663 apt upgrade full raises a "Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend"
#61176 apt update_cache=yes Failed to lock apt for exclusive operation when /var/lib/apt/lists does not exist.
#72224 Why is 'apt-get' used and doesn't respect `dpkg_options: "force-confdef,force-confold,force-hold"`
#76210 apt module fails to do apt-upgrade with cache_valid_time set and update_cache=yes
#77144 apt module has poor support for local packages
#77150 apt module uses dpkg for local deb files and fails
#78123 apt module should mark the installed deb dependencies as auto-installed
#78658 apt module with lock_timeout option not working as expected
#79206 apt module with cache_valid_time does not update when cache was never updated before
#79452 [Ansible 6/2.13] apt module segmentation fault on package removal
#79901 apt module safe upgrade mode should not cause installation of new packages
#80813 the apt module fails to install a package in some cases
#81154 Ansible apt module unable to remove packages not in `CURSTATE_INSTALLED`
#81173 install suggested packages with apt module
#81364 apt module, fix issue with packages not installing when pinned and cached
#81594 Add install_suggests in apt module
#81743 apt - update the sources first if the cache can't be opened with default_release
#81754 Throw LockFailedException if apt cmd encounters a lock file
#81795 Unification of default value for option update_cache
#83070 modules/apt: add support for apt-patterns
#83230 apt_*: add more info message while updating apt cache

4. lib/ansible/plugins/strategy/__init__.py 25 total

#18596 New module: remove_host
#66816 Devel perf work
#70477 Skip forking on a task with a simple when condition or include
#72553 [POC] Add projection feature for registering vars - Option 2
#73309 Add Playbook and PlaybookInclude into parent chain
#73373 Strategy Features
#73828 another step away from pc
#75215 new set_var
#76565 set_Stats: Added list_merge option
#78075 fix task execution/lockstep issues with clear_host_errors
#78525 ensure correct value for keyword
#80085 Make sure `var_options` is pre-templated for `reset_connection`
#80637 use strategy plugin for check/list
#80737 failure in run_once task while using strategy free leads to all other hosts finishing immediately
#81854 try to proxy copy of pl loading
#82212 Include import_* tasks in play iterator
#82252 reduce number of implicit flush_handlers tasks when unnecessary
#82409 move error from display to caller
#82470 unreachable delegation fix
#82480 propagate WorkerProcess create/start exceptions
#82770 [PoC] Don't inherit stdio
#82893 [PoC] end_role
#83134 PlayIterator, refactored
#83252 Send _execute_meta results through the queue
#83263 Add end_role meta task

5. lib/ansible/modules/user.py 24 total

#24862 User module creates home directory for existing user with incorrect SELinux types and permissions.
#37396 `user` module with `local: true` fail to change group for existing user
#37398 `user` module with `local: true` fail to move nonexistent user home dir despite that `createhome: true` is set
#44186 User module does not populate home folder with skel when creating a home folder
#58723 Xcode crashes when run as ansible created user
#61911 User module does not update user attribute in Alpine docker container
#66679 user.py Busybox support broke modifying users
#68599 YUM groupremove is not idempotent
#68676 Ansible creates locked user on Alpine
#70897 user: Unlock by default with no password, busybox
#71209 Using passwd command to change a user password instead of usermod
#73505 Bugs in the user module revealed by the macOS 11.1 CI job (race condition?)
#73807 spwd.getspnam() doesn't work on sssd user
#74871 builtin user module unable to add user to group on AIX
#75195 Add feature similar to the usermod --inactive option to the ansible user module
#75325 module user doesn't respect "local" constraint when updating groups
#77251 User module allows duplicate ids when local: true
#78222 ansible.builtin.user return SUCCESS when password_expire_min is still wrong
#79381 ansible.builtin.user: add option for initial-only password-lock
#80669 user module doesn't output the right 'groups' value in the return values.
#81186 User module doesn't update uid/gid on Alpine
#81770 Add UID and GID min/max keys
#82490 Creating user directory using tilde always reports "changed"
#83113 Fix Creating user directory using tilde always reports "changed"

6. lib/ansible/plugins/action/__init__.py 23 total

#13620 update_json for module intermediate comms
#41811 [WIP] Show deprecation message when using top-level fact vars
#42645 [WIP] Cli password fixin
#58408 [WIP] Add initial implementation of RFC 7464 JSON stream
#64961 WIP Performance Work
#66816 Devel perf work
#70816 [POC] Add and use new extract_json function
#73828 another step away from pc
#74226 [WIP] [might be horrible] Modulify async_wrapper + remove deprecations
#76156 move to more precise config sources
#78065 [PoC] Allow connection plugins to decline pipelining dynamically
#78111 pipelining 4.3
#78113 [poc] dynamic raw list
#78167 shell plugin now uses config system fully
#79720 Controller argspec
#81320 Pass environment variables privately to modules
#81579 Added new connection plugin prepare_command method
#81663 [PoC] Use remote_tmp as a fact to populate sh plugin config
#82041 make ansiballz use module tmp
#82372 wait_for_connection - fix rediscovering ping interpreter for delegate_to
#82696 Zippy zip zip
#82946 2.18 Deprecation removal: `lib/ansible/plugins/action/__init__.py`
#82977 action - remove deprecated functionality from plugin

7. lib/ansible/modules/setup.py 21 total

#16977 ansible_default_ipv6 fact uses link-local address
#21156 detect if ssh pipeline can be used through a setup module fact
#24644 setup module: mounts not starting with / are not listed in ansible_mounts fact
#26280 Disk size still wrong, depending on block size in Linux
#35085 Setup module - ansible_service_mgr detection errors
#37271 gather_facts mountpoints are not gathered correctly
#44869 setup module: gathering facts fails on FreeBSD if tunnel is present
#53215 Endianless Linux BIOS UUID for use by VMware modules
#55037 Set fact_path by variable
#56779 Fix output message in `x transfer mechanism failed`
#57061 gather_facts/setup fails with encrypted sudo password
#61443 Ansible 2.8: ansible_distribution_major_version return 4 on oVirt server based on CentOS 7
#69638 Interface ipv4 facts not correctly typed on FreeBSD
#77219 Ansible not running interpreter discovery on host after run_once and gather_facts disabled
#77840 interpreter_python set to auto_legacy not working as expected
#77889 ansible_local facts overriden when interface named local is present
#78092 ansible_processor_cores got from setup module not correct in RHEL 9.0 ARM virtual machine on ESXi Fling
#81652 Missing data on vlan interfaces in facts on Linux and FreeBSD hosts
#81999 Ansible fails trying to connect remote host and get unreachable issue with exit code -13
#82559 No warning or message if Linux system doesn't have the ip command
#82717 one or more %'s in /etc/ansible/facts.d value causes ansible_local to fail to load without error

8. lib/ansible/modules/git.py 19 total

#21899 Git module do not update local copy if tag ref is updated, but reports diff in check + diff mode
#29809 (possible data loss?) git does reset --hard even with force: no
#39828 Module "git" returns changed every time when url..insteadOf is used
#49000 git: add explicit submodule_init parameter, add submodule_depth parameter, and cleanup parameter support verification. (#48678)
#51580 git module with invalid reference succeeds in check mode, fails when run normally
#52026 The git module fails with the separate_git_dir option when the dest directory does not exist
#60311 git module does not need `repo` if update and clone is both set to no
#70252 Fix fallback to unshallowing shallow clone
#75609 git module verifies signatures after the repo has already been updated
#76221 git module changes .git/config despite check_mode when combined with --diff
#77691 git module: track_submodules fails on repos without master branch
#80233 ansible.builtin.git ignores become_user when executing without an inventory
#80456 Fix git submodule tracking
#81598 Add `key_file_content` option to `git` module
#81943 [git] Pass private key content from the control node
#82007 Git module fails to change the current branch if there's no corresponding remote-tracking branch
#82820 Provide guidance as to how to fix non UTF-8 JSON response from "ansible.builtin.git" module
#82825 Address non-UTF8 module responses with `diff` in git module
#83146 `git` module: `Failed to init/update submodules: warning: could not look up configuration 'remote.origin.url'`

9. lib/ansible/plugins/action/copy.py 19 total

#25792 Copy module bug when a directory exists with the same name as a file in src directory
#34450 Copy action is silently ignored when given an unrecognized parameter
#38938 copy: Reports 'ok' when copying nested directories
#46742 Copy module ignores setgid bit on parent directories
#55125 Copy module shows 'changed' in check mode
#56716 ansible 2.7/2.8: copy result registration in check mode
#66983 diff mode isn't working when copy module remote_src parameter is used
#68640 Clearing extent flag not supported on
#73828 another step away from pc
#75377 list type for output key=backup_file with ansible.builtin.copy
#76156 move to more precise config sources
#79725 ansible.builtin.copy module - updates pre-existing files' ownership of dest directory if remote_src: true
#79737 `control_path` default for `ssh` connection plugin does not respect `ANSIBLE_HOME`
#80897 Added option to exclude files and directories in copy module #80208
#81126 ansible.builtin.copy has unexpected behaviour when copying recursively with remote_src: true
#81292 Recursive copy with remote_src changes parent directory permissions
#81346 copy module diff output for multi files
#82408 backup option: implement custom naming for files ( ansible_managed like )
#83013 copy module: modify time on the file (mtime) is not updating

#25792 Copy module bug when a directory exists with the same name as a file in src directory
#34450 Copy action is silently ignored when given an unrecognized parameter
#38938 copy: Reports 'ok' when copying nested directories
#46742 Copy module ignores setgid bit on parent directories
#55125 Copy module shows 'changed' in check mode
#56716 ansible 2.7/2.8: copy result registration in check mode
#66983 diff mode isn't working when copy module remote_src parameter is used
#68640 Clearing extent flag not supported on
#75377 list type for output key=backup_file with ansible.builtin.copy
#75741 copy: Reduce calls to stat() by 50% in chown_recursive
#79725 ansible.builtin.copy module - updates pre-existing files' ownership of dest directory if remote_src: true
#79737 `control_path` default for `ssh` connection plugin does not respect `ANSIBLE_HOME`
#80302 [POC] apply explicit SELinux label on tempfile in copy
#80897 Added option to exclude files and directories in copy module #80208
#81126 ansible.builtin.copy has unexpected behaviour when copying recursively with remote_src: true
#81292 Recursive copy with remote_src changes parent directory permissions
#82408 backup option: implement custom naming for files ( ansible_managed like )
#82658 copy - fix recursively setting mode and directory_mode with remote_src=True
#83013 copy module: modify time on the file (mtime) is not updating

#22248 A way to delete empty directory safely
#33911 file module does not honour follow when hard linking
#34228 Hardlink follow
#45805 Docs: Read arg_spec documentation from module
#48839 Adding file attributes always reports changed when attribute exists alongside others
#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory
#57573 file module reports "absent" on PermissionError
#57574 file: Raise error on permission denied
#73344 File touch inside LXD container fails with "Permission denied" error despite correct permissions
#74918 Ansible fails to recursively change attributes when directory contains symlinks
#76548 ansible.builtin.file: Symlink on NFS to outside NFS gives "invalid selinux context: [Errno 95] Operation not supported"
#78623 ansible.builtin.file: mode "-x,+X" is equal to "+X"
#79587 Remove file or directory with chattr in one task
#80034 Avoids removing /
#80817 ansible.builtin.file diff could not be disabled
#83049 Adding example to use gid in file module
#83111 file module fix attribute issues

#13620 update_json for module intermediate comms
#25068 Cannot handle SSH host authenticity prompts for multiple hosts
#43274 script module with become prepends stdout with \r\n
#52739 Use ssh key from vault
#58133 _handle_error code path ignored for SSH connection plugin
#66816 Devel perf work
#73828 another step away from pc
#74828 one become error to rule em all
#75108 minor path related fixes
#78065 [PoC] Allow connection plugins to decline pipelining dynamically
#78111 pipelining 4.3
#80564 ssh: Add IdentitiesOnly option
#81579 Added new connection plugin prepare_command method
#81777 Task failures with rc -13 (SIGPIPE) related to SSH ControlPersist expiry
#82026 Respect `ANSIBLE_HOME` when determining SSH control path directory
#82181 Add ssh-agent launching, and ssh-agent python client
#82354 Missing Exception Handling in SSH Plugin Fixed Error Verbosity Issue

#56265 When host becomes unreachable any_errors_fatal aborts the play but max_fail_percentage=0 continues
#66816 Devel perf work
#73373 Strategy Features
#73654 Ansible tasks slow down as host facts grow
#78525 ensure correct value for keyword
#78777 Tags on handlers
#80637 use strategy plugin for check/list
#81549 v2_playbook_on_no_hosts_remaining doesn't fire without any_errors_fatal or max_fail_percentage
#81550 Ensure v2_playbook_on_no_hosts_remaining fires
#82212 Include import_* tasks in play iterator
#82480 propagate WorkerProcess create/start exceptions
#82834 any_errors_fatal doesn't work when a remote host is unreachable in the given batch
#82852 any_errors_fatal: do not fail unreachable hosts
#82893 [PoC] end_role
#83134 PlayIterator, refactored
#83209 linear: fix included handlers executing in lockstep
#83252 Send _execute_meta results through the queue

#72637 Allow using galaxy.yml as a requirements file
#73763 Add refresh-token sub command for ansible-galaxy collection
#77064 ansible-galaxy collection search
#78396 ansible-config - dump/list galaxy servers
#79109 Unexpected exception while installing collections from requirements.yml file
#80782 Added Community Collection Template as a collection-type to create new collections locally
#81159 Clarify galaxy CLI --help about install locations
#81241 denote preferred collection with * when listing collections
#81687 Galaxy Version syntax breaking installation from local copies
#81764 Select pre-release collections that are inevitable
#81812 Fix `is_pinned` property of `Requirement`
#82182 Fix validating role params of dependencies that are used by ansible-galaxy
#82270 Avoid creating GALAXY_TOKEN_PATH for configured servers
#82624 ansible-galaxy - Don't copy a file from a skeleton if file.j2 also exists
#82963 Add a --namespace option to ansible-galaxy role import
#83129 config, integrate dynamic galaxy servers
#83145 Add Keycloak service account auth capability to ansible-galaxy

#73834 no tty, no wrap
#76156 move to more precise config sources
#76519 Ability to append a path to a setting's path list
#78167 shell plugin now uses config system fully
#78515 Allow user to disable console text wrapping
#78777 Tags on handlers
#79164 add new error/warning handler to display
#79244 config options templatable
#80637 use strategy plugin for check/list
#81918 allow user to control vault decrypt is error
#82181 Add ssh-agent launching, and ssh-agent python client
#82224 [PoC] Use per run on the fly jinja2 byte code caching
#82246 galaxy: make retryable HTTP status codes configurable
#82593 actually show plugin config warnings/deprecations
#83038 vault, update options to current recomendations

#19101 --diff doesn't show all differences with Template module
#33907 Inconsistencies in result of template module
#46742 Copy module ignores setgid bit on parent directories
#60314 Better error when validate command does not exist
#69270 Unable to generate empty files with template module and if-statements
#69519 AnsibleFileNotFound suggests module options that are not valid
#79602 Better error message when ACLs can not be used with become_user and files
#80232 Using block scoped directives in templates is slow
#80269 template validation fails because of SELinux errors
#80333 More useful var templating errors
#81852 Changed with/endwith behavior when passing variables to included template
#82408 backup option: implement custom naming for files ( ansible_managed like )
#82742 String is evaluated as integer list under jinja2_native = True
#82771 Jinja exception line numbers are incorrect

#19101 --diff doesn't show all differences with Template module
#33907 Inconsistencies in result of template module
#46742 Copy module ignores setgid bit on parent directories
#60314 Better error when validate command does not exist
#69270 Unable to generate empty files with template module and if-statements
#75962 Add trim_blocks=False argument to template lookup plugin
#79602 Better error message when ACLs can not be used with become_user and files
#80232 Using block scoped directives in templates is slow
#80269 template validation fails because of SELinux errors
#80333 More useful var templating errors
#81852 Changed with/endwith behavior when passing variables to included template
#82408 backup option: implement custom naming for files ( ansible_managed like )
#82742 String is evaluated as integer list under jinja2_native = True
#82771 Jinja exception line numbers are incorrect

#19101 --diff doesn't show all differences with Template module
#33907 Inconsistencies in result of template module
#46742 Copy module ignores setgid bit on parent directories
#60314 Better error when validate command does not exist
#66816 Devel perf work
#69270 Unable to generate empty files with template module and if-statements
#79602 Better error message when ACLs can not be used with become_user and files
#80232 Using block scoped directives in templates is slow
#80269 template validation fails because of SELinux errors
#80333 More useful var templating errors
#81852 Changed with/endwith behavior when passing variables to included template
#82408 backup option: implement custom naming for files ( ansible_managed like )
#82742 String is evaluated as integer list under jinja2_native = True
#82771 Jinja exception line numbers are incorrect

#28247 systemd and service modules don't check is-enabled stdout values, causing false positives
#35636 wait for {starting, stopping} units
#46744 Systemd module behavior differs from systemd when enabling services
#52815 Introspect systemd unit deps recursively
#58017 [WIP] Add the ability to specify --root.
#59813 systemd module misses to 'enable' when Install section has changed
#66196 systemd module doesn't handle units starting with '-'
#68680 Systemd needs to be runned twice to mask enabled service
#71637 Systemd & service module doesn't reload and start service
#71645 systemd enabled behave different from `systemctl enable`
#72451 systemd enabled not working as expected
#72674 systemd module is useless for user mode unless usage documented
#75097 systemd try to handle missing sessions
#77337 systemd state=restarted only starts - not restarts - a stopped service, affecting dependent services

#13620 update_json for module intermediate comms
#25260 Set attributes if different (fixes #48839)
#58408 [WIP] Add initial implementation of RFC 7464 JSON stream
#69201 module_utils: require X_OK when checking cwd sanity
#70639 _remove_values_conditions probably should not coerce datetime values
#71707 POC: Support module extensible JSON encoding
#75742 module_utils: Consolidate set_owner_if_different & set_group_if_different
#77217 AnsibleModule.preserved_copy() results in module fail: Error while setting attributes: /usr/bin/chattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device while reading flags on /tmp/id_rsa_test
#81320 Pass environment variables privately to modules
#82658 copy - fix recursively setting mode and directory_mode with remote_src=True
#82690 Copy target min python check into ansiballz template
#82696 Zippy zip zip
#82780 module_utils/urls.py MAXHEADERS
#83235 fix copy module update atime/mtime

#13620 update_json for module intermediate comms
#28603 WIP Fixing relative dwim searching when the src path contains ..
#42645 [WIP] Cli password fixin
#61025 any_errors_fatal not accepting variables
#64961 WIP Performance Work
#66816 Devel perf work
#72601 draft autovalidate
#73309 Add Playbook and PlaybookInclude into parent chain
#73828 another step away from pc
#75719 [WIP] Excluded certain `include_role` and `include_tasks` attributes from `post_validate`
#78525 ensure correct value for keyword
#80394 priority based post validation
#81861 Updated some incomplete docstrings, added missing docstrings
#82424 Lookup or filter variant of include_vars

#56508 WIP: Fix Issue #39543
#61527 Role dep cycle detection broken on Py3.7+
#64961 WIP Performance Work
#73309 Add Playbook and PlaybookInclude into parent chain
#75456 role argspec validation doesn't run unless `tasks_from` entrypoint matches exactly
#75467 role arg spec - allow file extensions in `tasks_from`
#79657 give a warning for unsupported role argument spec fields
#80531 Add option for argument_specs to hide variables in argument_spec_data that did not fail
#80657 role argument spec: allow for shared fragments, like with plugins
#81735 role argument spec: allow for notes, seealso, requirements, version_added like with plugins
#82182 Fix validating role params of dependencies that are used by ansible-galaxy
#82893 [PoC] end_role
#82953 Changing validation task to use role's tags
#83268 Single string not cast to list of strings in role argument_spec validation

23. bin/ansible-galaxy 14 total

#63288 `ansible-config dump` doesn't show galaxy servers
#67758 Create alias for ansible-galaxy collection
#67759 Add ansible-galaxy collection uninstall
#67760 ansible-galaxy collection install - support rollback on failures
#68915 ansible-galaxy collection init doesn't respect configured collections_paths
#70019 Long import wait times in `ansible-galaxy collection publish` break on token expiration
#73127 `ansible-galaxy collection list` fails
#75019 ansible CLI tools error out if `$HOME` isn't writable
#75632 ansible-galaxy collections outdated argument
#78067 galaxy: local collection installation fails with trace if version is int
#78481 For git sourced collections, ansible-galxy always --force collections install
#78539 ansible-galaxy installs collections that are not compatible with the running Ansible version
#82406 Ansible Galaxy random SSL error: The handshake operation timed out
#82792 RFE: sort entries in FILES.json for reproducibility

#41811 [WIP] Show deprecation message when using top-level fact vars
#66676 Inconsistent handling of inventory with comma (,)
#66816 Devel perf work
#71512 [WIP] [Experimental Thing] [Oh god what am I doing] Move HostVars instantiation to VariableManager
#72419 rework some of ansible's inner templating
#73268 Task variables not evaluated when used as vars arguments for a lookup plugin
#73309 Add Playbook and PlaybookInclude into parent chain
#73654 Ansible tasks slow down as host facts grow
#77614 [PoC] Add loop_control.lookup
#80483 `vars_files` depending on host vars no longer fails as of 2.15 with `error_on_undefined_vars` disabled
#80505 Refactor loading of vars_files to simplify and properly implement expectations
#82871 expose play.strategy as ansible_play_strategy
#82995 Prevent extra vars from bleeding into hostvars

#13620 update_json for module intermediate comms
#27699 remote_tmp is not used for module files
#42645 [WIP] Cli password fixin
#58408 [WIP] Add initial implementation of RFC 7464 JSON stream
#64961 WIP Performance Work
#66816 Devel perf work
#75108 minor path related fixes
#78814 Fix using a fully qualified ansible.builtin module after legacy module
#82041 make ansiballz use module tmp
#82409 move error from display to caller
#82690 Copy target min python check into ansiballz template
#82696 Zippy zip zip

#22248 A way to delete empty directory safely
#33911 file module does not honour follow when hard linking
#48839 Adding file attributes always reports changed when attribute exists alongside others
#57573 file module reports "absent" on PermissionError
#73344 File touch inside LXD container fails with "Permission denied" error despite correct permissions
#74918 Ansible fails to recursively change attributes when directory contains symlinks
#76548 ansible.builtin.file: Symlink on NFS to outside NFS gives "invalid selinux context: [Errno 95] Operation not supported"
#78623 ansible.builtin.file: mode "-x,+X" is equal to "+X"
#79587 Remove file or directory with chattr in one task
#80817 ansible.builtin.file diff could not be disabled
#81279 file lookup, new unvault option to be able to toggle off auto unvault

#28603 WIP Fixing relative dwim searching when the src path contains ..
#37396 `user` module with `local: true` fail to change group for existing user
#37398 `user` module with `local: true` fail to move nonexistent user home dir despite that `createhome: true` is set
#41621 [WIP] Issue 24215: Enable verbosity setting on a per-task basis.
#64961 WIP Performance Work
#72553 [POC] Add projection feature for registering vars - Option 2
#73309 Add Playbook and PlaybookInclude into parent chain
#73828 another step away from pc
#80394 priority based post validation
#81861 Updated some incomplete docstrings, added missing docstrings
#82003 Fix task.resolved_action callbacks

#32480 [WIP] safer task results
#49207 Ansible carries out work after forks and sometimes has threads running.
#50718 [WIP] make callback invocation async
#57129 [WIP] Handle disappearing hosts
#64961 WIP Performance Work
#66816 Devel perf work
#71512 [WIP] [Experimental Thing] [Oh god what am I doing] Move HostVars instantiation to VariableManager
#73373 Strategy Features
#73828 another step away from pc
#81158 flush stdout after sending prompt and individual loop item results
#81854 try to proxy copy of pl loading

#13620 update_json for module intermediate comms
#52739 Use ssh key from vault
#66816 Devel perf work
#69947 plugin signature based on options
#73828 another step away from pc
#73838 [wip] Get connection
#76430 WIP: bypass ansible-connection for existing connections
#78065 [PoC] Allow connection plugins to decline pipelining dynamically
#78111 pipelining 4.3
#81579 Added new connection plugin prepare_command method
#82770 [PoC] Don't inherit stdio

#32609 large inventory loading performance enhancement. avoid calling glob.glob() search for .py files in loader.py all() function for each host.
#66816 Devel perf work
#73239 Make sure collection name is included in plugin deprecations from collections
#74774 optimize config for making it on demand and fix deprecation warnings
#76994 Don't use __import__ and a loop, just use import_module
#78113 [poc] dynamic raw list
#79687 Prototype vars and inventory dump performance tweaks
#81854 try to proxy copy of pl loading
#82448 plugin loader - cache .py files in all()
#82770 [PoC] Don't inherit stdio
#83170 allow plugin loader to load sidecar docs

#55669 Randomly receiving 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name' after inventory refresh
#58281 Automatically template inventory config options
#64961 WIP Performance Work
#66676 Inconsistent handling of inventory with comma (,)
#66816 Devel perf work
#72499 Inv output templates
#76788 Support adding ansible_group_priority to keyed_groups in BaseInventoryPlugin
#76956 ControlPath calculated only using ansible_host, preventing different ssh args per inventory_hostname
#79664 slow inventory build
#82135  When using multiple inventory files and nested groups order is significant
#82832 DOCUMENTATION block suboptions in dynamic inventory plugin do not work as expected

#66816 Devel perf work
#73373 Strategy Features
#73483 Do not rely on strategy name in callbacks to dictate functionality
#78525 ensure correct value for keyword
#78777 Tags on handlers
#79636 list index out of range with strategy: free
#81550 Ensure v2_playbook_on_no_hosts_remaining fires
#82212 Include import_* tasks in play iterator
#82893 [PoC] end_role
#83249 Ensure meta tasks don't disrupt host_pinned host/fork affinity
#83252 Send _execute_meta results through the queue

33. bin/ansible 10 total

#32379 ansible delegates to previously failed node
#33581 Name of task containing block is not printed to stdout
#43519 [WIP] Decouple display from config initialization
#49837 Ansible fetch sticky bit
#57061 gather_facts/setup fails with encrypted sudo password
#58426 Integration tests fail without LC_ALL set.
#60880 Use human-readable 'name' for headings in Common Options in Config docs
#71442 Ansible vault is incompatible with Jenkins credential files - wrong absolute path parsing
#77325 Traceback in random location near SSH timeout with many target hosts
#80747 Implement object data tagging

#44338 Add SOCKS proxy support to uri module
#54589 uri fails when client cert is mandatory on remote server
#54721 Multiple 'set-cookie' python 3
#60632 uri: sourcing vaulted file doesn't work
#67715 SOCKS5 proxy support for uri module
#68599 YUM groupremove is not idempotent
#79592 ansible.builtin.uri doesn't return `json` dict when python interpreter is python2.
#80566 adding option for form-multipart data to switch multipart encoding from default base64 to 7or8bit encoding
#82335 Add parameter `follow_redirects` to the list of `url_argument_spec`
#82336 Move `follow_redirects` parameter

#13620 update_json for module intermediate comms
#69947 plugin signature based on options
#73051 marked deprecations from lookup (possibly other) plugins are not displayed
#73828 another step away from pc
#77057 now show plugin config runtime deprecations
#78113 [poc] dynamic raw list
#79244 config options templatable
#82448 plugin loader - cache .py files in all()
#82547 make gettting options with falback simpler
#82593 actually show plugin config warnings/deprecations

#54590 Allow to provide a client cert and key during SSL validation
#63686 httpapi truncates set-cookie header on comma
#64961 WIP Performance Work
#76313 Extract useful code out of `fetch_url`
#78142 Add socks proxy support
#80566 adding option for form-multipart data to switch multipart encoding from default base64 to 7or8bit encoding
#81331 uri / get_url: support passage of proxy credentials via module options
#82336 Move `follow_redirects` parameter
#82780 module_utils/urls.py MAXHEADERS
#83085 Extend ProxyHandler to support CIDR ranges for no_proxy

#24989 Module unarchive: Failure when the group name in the group parameter contains a space.
#29610 unarchive does not recognize size differs
#49408 unarchive fails to decompress non-ascii-filenames from zip-files
#68107 Unarchive module does not correctly handle archive's files and unarchived files with same size and same date but not same content
#72492 unarchive gives error "Failed to find handler" when the handler is present, but the dest location is non-existent.
#80136 unarchive - respect symlinks in archives
#81092 Unarchive: ValueError: time data '19800000.000000' does not match format '%Y%m%d.%H%M%S'
#81520 Added code to catch exception when ZIP file has invalid timestamp (#81092)
#82459 Unarchive module inherits permissions from original zip-file. Docs not clear

#49946 Allow vaulted configuration for plugins that only support ansible.cfg configs
#75108 minor path related fixes
#75680 allow to set an env var to undefined, aka default
#77057 now show plugin config runtime deprecations
#79244 config options templatable
#80908 Accept trailing commas in `list` config type
#81663 [PoC] Use remote_tmp as a fact to populate sh plugin config
#82593 actually show plugin config warnings/deprecations
#83129 config, integrate dynamic galaxy servers

#51907 handle yum/dnf group long form names without @
#54949 dnf: successful etckeeper commit causes successful package install to fail
#70003 dnf module: undocumented return values diverging from other modules
#73457 DNF fails to install module stream if state is latest not present
#76306 DNF: covers checksum and other errors around download
#76384 DNF module upgrades modules with `state: present` or `state: installed`
#80644 `dnf` module ignores repo files inside `installroot` path
#81452 Add notes for DNF module about caveats when ensuring presence of groups
#82930 Define dnf4/dnf5 selection preference and ensure internal consistency

#69813 Galaxy commands identify collection namespace.name incorrectly
#81241 denote preferred collection with * when listing collections
#81607 Log error dependency resolver exceptions strings
#81764 Select pre-release collections that are inevitable
#81812 Fix `is_pinned` property of `Requirement`
#82052 ansible-galaxy - fixup role install failure handling
#82829 Feature: sort entries in FILES.json for reproducibility in ansible galaxy build
#82942 2.18 Deprecation removal: `lib/ansible/galaxy/collection/__init__.py`
#83221 Remove Python 3.10 support for the controller

#28247 systemd and service modules don't check is-enabled stdout values, causing false positives
#30166 service module failure message should contain more information
#42958 FreeBSD: add services not only in rc.conf
#50822 service module detects status incorrectly when using openrc
#73936 ansible.builtin.service erronously states that service is not started, when it actually is
#77891 [bug] OpenBSD service flag setting doesn't handle quotes correctly
#82598 Cannot delegate to a host defined by a variable whose value is determined using ansible_facts, for package module
#82931 Update example to match docs

#35086 clear_host_errors causes unexpected behaviour with unreachable hosts
#68599 YUM groupremove is not idempotent
#79755 module meta function reset_connection does not populate {{ }} type variables when custom ansible_control_path is set
#81998 Add ability to remove all hosts from dynamic inventory (including those added via add_host)
#82281 refresh_inventory stops further handlers
#82793 "'ansible connection' is undefined." when templating conditionals in meta tasks.
#82893 [PoC] end_role
#83263 Add end_role meta task

#49405 get_url throws 400 error in check mode only
#64016 ansible 2.8.6 get_url repeatedly downloads file with force==no
#64092 get_url: Verify checksum using tmpsrc, not dest
#65687 get_url in check_mode reports changed status when there is nothing to change
#80365 get_url - support tabs in checksum file
#80785 ansible.builtin.get_url does not respect 307
#81967 Implement relative path in checksumfile
#82433 [get_url] fails with DNS errors when http_proxy and https_proxy are undefined and omitted

#49567 WinRM: wait_for_connection improvements
#70816 [POC] Add and use new extract_json function
#73828 another step away from pc
#78566 Extra variables are ignored if using the FQCN of a builtin connection plugin
#78797 Windows: winRM Read timed out. (read timeout=nnn). Again!
#80532 WinRM winrshost processes hanging after playbook run finishes
#81579 Added new connection plugin prepare_command method
#83081 ansible winrm connection hangs when connection is bad

#41811 [WIP] Show deprecation message when using top-level fact vars
#57504 [WIP] Templating optimizations
#66816 Devel perf work
#68763 v2.9.6 templating performance regression due to caching change in #67429
#72419 rework some of ansible's inner templating
#82084 Unhandled exception with 'is filter' and 'is test'
#82224 [PoC] Use per run on the fly jinja2 byte code caching
#82948 2.18 Deprecation removal: `lib/ansible/template/__init__.py`

#43519 [WIP] Decouple display from config initialization
#69662 add defensive conversions to display methods, tests
#71461 Ansible should not wrap lines when tty is absent
#73834 no tty, no wrap
#78515 Allow user to disable console text wrapping
#79164 add new error/warning handler to display
#81158 flush stdout after sending prompt and individual loop item results
#82409 move error from display to caller

#64961 WIP Performance Work
#73309 Add Playbook and PlaybookInclude into parent chain
#73373 Strategy Features
#80394 priority based post validation
#80746 fixes static 'roles:' with play context
#81861 Updated some incomplete docstrings, added missing docstrings
#82252 reduce number of implicit flush_handlers tasks when unnecessary
#82893 [PoC] end_role

#62826 pip module always set to changed when using check mode
#72097 pip: Add support for various pip install modes
#77755 pip editable=true doesn't work with multiple requirement names
#78039 pip module - editable now applies to all packages
#81522 pip virtualenv creates chdir twice when using a relative path
#81751 pip module never set to changed when installing from github
#81816 Fix pip changed status when installing from vcs
#83189 Fix unable to find pip in the virtualenv when using relative path

#79624 Argument Spec Validation Failure with vault + no_log
#79657 give a warning for unsupported role argument spec fields
#80531 Add option for argument_specs to hide variables in argument_spec_data that did not fail
#80551 Allow for validate_argument_spec advanced data validation
#82154 Unexpected role argument spec behavior with transitive dependencies
#82182 Fix validating role params of dependencies that are used by ansible-galaxy
#82186 validate_argument_spec `type=list` and `elements=str` convert bool or int in a list of string
#82505 Validating arguments against arg spec occuring on all tagged roles

#28247 systemd and service modules don't check is-enabled stdout values, causing false positives
#30166 service module failure message should contain more information
#42958 FreeBSD: add services not only in rc.conf
#50822 service module detects status incorrectly when using openrc
#73936 ansible.builtin.service erronously states that service is not started, when it actually is
#77891 [bug] OpenBSD service flag setting doesn't handle quotes correctly
#82598 Cannot delegate to a host defined by a variable whose value is determined using ansible_facts, for package module

#31194 Fetching large file consumes a lot of memory
#49837 Ansible fetch sticky bit
#69383 fetch results in checksum mismatch
#73828 another step away from pc
#75108 minor path related fixes
#76156 move to more precise config sources
#79864 Add support for encrypting files fetched to local

#37271 gather_facts mountpoints are not gathered correctly
#41413 Fact caching fails for hosts that contain / character with file based cache plugins
#57061 gather_facts/setup fails with encrypted sudo password
#79631 Spurious warning when using a custom fact module
#82685 'gather_facts' with 'parallel' set no longer works in check mode under 2.16
#82714 Fix up gather_facts parallel=true in check mode
#83219 `Unexpected failure during module execution: 'ansible_job_id'` when using multiple facts modules on Windows on ansible-core 2.16.0 and later

#38702 Become Method fails with permission denied ansible 2.5.0 with local connection method
#58787 Privilage escalation prompt timeout when working in a loop with different users
#74828 one become error to rule em all
#78111 pipelining 4.3
#80883 --ask-become-pass not working when fingerprint is enabled (not MFA)
#82337 Become with doas on local connections doesn't work
#83159 When fatal: happens when using iteration, all results are lost even if ignore_errors is true

#27777 [WIP] Fix lost connection_user in local connections.
#42645 [WIP] Cli password fixin
#64961 WIP Performance Work
#73828 another step away from pc
#75719 [WIP] Excluded certain `include_role` and `include_tasks` attributes from `post_validate`
#80394 priority based post validation
#81861 Updated some incomplete docstrings, added missing docstrings

#41621 [WIP] Issue 24215: Enable verbosity setting on a per-task basis.
#73373 Strategy Features
#73483 Do not rely on strategy name in callbacks to dictate functionality
#75310 check_mode_markers not working when check_mode set via variable
#77196 Add pid tracking to async_wrapper, add terminate functionality to async_status
#81158 flush stdout after sending prompt and individual loop item results
#83252 Send _execute_meta results through the queue

#52739 Use ssh key from vault
#75108 minor path related fixes
#80675 Refactor vault
#81918 allow user to control vault decrypt is error
#82418 Execute ScriptVaultSecret on demand instead of on load
#82721 Ignore empty vault filenames
#83038 vault, update options to current recomendations

#56817 Adding loop_control.notify_scope
#62151 [WIP] loop_control until feature
#64961 WIP Performance Work
#74259 [POC] Support unpacking loop vars
#77614 [PoC] Add loop_control.lookup
#80394 priority based post validation
#82538 Allow to silence warning about loop variable already in use

#57129 [WIP] Handle disappearing hosts
#64961 WIP Performance Work
#73309 Add Playbook and PlaybookInclude into parent chain
#73828 another step away from pc
#78777 Tags on handlers
#82893 [PoC] end_role
#83134 PlayIterator, refactored

#58408 [WIP] Add initial implementation of RFC 7464 JSON stream
#74226 [WIP] [might be horrible] Modulify async_wrapper + remove deprecations
#76994 Don't use __import__ and a loop, just use import_module
#79700 Sanity tests: ignore shebangs in files/ and templates/ in collection roles and integration test targets
#82624 ansible-galaxy - Don't copy a file from a skeleton if file.j2 also exists
#82977 action - remove deprecated functionality from plugin
#83221 Remove Python 3.10 support for the controller

#75108 minor path related fixes
#77064 ansible-galaxy collection search
#81511 Update a logical operation in code
#82246 galaxy: make retryable HTTP status codes configurable
#82730 Use underlying `AnsibleError` exception as cause
#82963 Add a --namespace option to ansible-galaxy role import
#83221 Remove Python 3.10 support for the controller

#66497 include_role sometimes ignores dynamic vars_from parameter
#69799 Modified "vars:" not visible inside include_role.
#69882 import_tasks within import_role not working
#75240 `include_role` fails, when evaluating inventory variables with template as value also fails
#80869 include_role: apply become_user cannot handle jinja-phrased condition
#82677 remove 'allow_duplicates' param for include/import role
#82796 include_role in loop fails to return result

62. bin/ansible-playbook 6 total

#19720 Exit status of `ansible-playbook` not as documented
#24215 Increase verbosity on a per task basis
#30411 Ansible hangs forever while executing playbook with no information on what is going on
#63314 Playbook log output of different plays are intermixed
#69544 Variables are not delegated in sub-task loop
#82535 "No such file or directory" error when using local modules and python installed on Mac in "Library/Application Support" venvs

#24989 Module unarchive: Failure when the group name in the group parameter contains a space.
#29610 unarchive does not recognize size differs
#49408 unarchive fails to decompress non-ascii-filenames from zip-files
#68107 Unarchive module does not correctly handle archive's files and unarchived files with same size and same date but not same content
#72492 unarchive gives error "Failed to find handler" when the handler is present, but the dest location is non-existent.
#81092 Unarchive: ValueError: time data '19800000.000000' does not match format '%Y%m%d.%H%M%S'

#37271 gather_facts mountpoints are not gathered correctly
#41413 Fact caching fails for hosts that contain / character with file based cache plugins
#57061 gather_facts/setup fails with encrypted sudo password
#79631 Spurious warning when using a custom fact module
#82685 'gather_facts' with 'parallel' set no longer works in check mode under 2.16
#83219 `Unexpected failure during module execution: 'ansible_job_id'` when using multiple facts modules on Windows on ansible-core 2.16.0 and later

#43274 script module with become prepends stdout with \r\n
#50585 script: chdir on Windows does not work
#67964 Unexpected CLIXML in stderr output
#73828 another step away from pc
#76156 move to more precise config sources
#76237 Additional exceptions attached to stderr in script module

#44338 Add SOCKS proxy support to uri module
#54589 uri fails when client cert is mandatory on remote server
#54721 Multiple 'set-cookie' python 3
#60632 uri: sourcing vaulted file doesn't work
#79592 ansible.builtin.uri doesn't return `json` dict when python interpreter is python2.
#82335 Add parameter `follow_redirects` to the list of `url_argument_spec`

#44338 Add SOCKS proxy support to uri module
#54589 uri fails when client cert is mandatory on remote server
#54721 Multiple 'set-cookie' python 3
#60632 uri: sourcing vaulted file doesn't work
#79592 ansible.builtin.uri doesn't return `json` dict when python interpreter is python2.
#82335 Add parameter `follow_redirects` to the list of `url_argument_spec`

#13620 update_json for module intermediate comms
#81320 Pass environment variables privately to modules
#81575 Add support for X_strict types in argspec
#81631 Avoid internal error when validating argspec
#81672 Make sure that all no_log parameters are processed even if some arguments have values of the wrong type
#82731 [WIP] Make sure that none is not accepted for required module options

#13620 update_json for module intermediate comms
#70092 connection/local.py become problem exposed by `script` module
#73828 another step away from pc
#76156 move to more precise config sources
#81579 Added new connection plugin prepare_command method
#82717 one or more %'s in /etc/ansible/facts.d value causes ansible_local to fail to load without error

#28603 WIP Fixing relative dwim searching when the src path contains ..
#52739 Use ssh key from vault
#64961 WIP Performance Work
#80675 Refactor vault
#81279 file lookup, new unvault option to be able to toggle off auto unvault
#81918 allow user to control vault decrypt is error

#28603 WIP Fixing relative dwim searching when the src path contains ..
#64961 WIP Performance Work
#82182 Fix validating role params of dependencies that are used by ansible-galaxy
#82212 Include import_* tasks in play iterator
#82893 [PoC] end_role
#83263 Add end_role meta task

#52739 Use ssh key from vault
#64961 WIP Performance Work
#66816 Devel perf work
#75108 minor path related fixes
#80594 Update playbook_executor.py
#83269 Correct code comment in the PlaybookExecutor class to reflect current behavior

#64961 WIP Performance Work
#75108 minor path related fixes
#79164 add new error/warning handler to display
#81501 deprecate or extend documentation for AGNOSTIC_BECOME_PROMPT (temp workaround from #34761)
#82721 Ignore empty vault filenames
#83221 Remove Python 3.10 support for the controller

#69088 Reboot module in playbook timeout after upgrading from 2.7.10 to 2.9.7
#71286 post reboot with Ansible "whoami && sleep 0"
#73828 another step away from pc
#76156 move to more precise config sources
#82383 plugins/reboot: fix boot time command for FreeBSD
#83018 'reboot' module not working as expected: failure to setup for boot_time_command's execution gets treated as result of boot_time_command

#72716 With pipelining enabled, WARNING appears during wait_for_connection
#73828 another step away from pc
#74237 wait_for_connection ignores short timeouts
#80514 Problem with wait_for_connection and delegate_to when SSH is not temporarily UP
#82372 wait_for_connection - fix rediscovering ping interpreter for delegate_to
#82804 wait_for_connection does not discover new python interpreter after reboot

#54949 dnf: successful etckeeper commit causes successful package install to fail
#70003 dnf module: undocumented return values diverging from other modules
#73457 DNF fails to install module stream if state is latest not present
#76384 DNF module upgrades modules with `state: present` or `state: installed`
#80644 `dnf` module ignores repo files inside `installroot` path
#82930 Define dnf4/dnf5 selection preference and ensure internal consistency

#63188 incorrect service state with sub=exited
#76667 harden service_facts states and add new output variable load_states
#81034 ansible.builtin.service_facts broken on FreeBSD
#81115 "service_facts" module cannot report whether a service is enabled or not if it is in "failed" state
#81239 Running service_facts stops Graphites carbon-cache
#82556 Fbsd service facts

#11544 Vault overrides file permissions and ownership
#51862 Ensure ansible-vault decrypt to stdout inserts newline before printing success message
#57061 gather_facts/setup fails with encrypted sudo password
#70200 Incorrect command line parsing for ansible-vault encrypt_string --prompt
#80675 Refactor vault

#28674 The Ansible/Jinja parser incorrectly tries to parse command/shell comment blocks
#41342 The path to blkid cannot be resolved by os-prober when using the command module in a playbook to create a new grub.cfg
#75156 import_tasks, delegate_to not delegating
#81558 add a function for the centralised list of shell/command options
#81944 Error message triggered by ansible.builtin.shell reports error in ansible.legacy.command

#28674 The Ansible/Jinja parser incorrectly tries to parse command/shell comment blocks
#41342 The path to blkid cannot be resolved by os-prober when using the command module in a playbook to create a new grub.cfg
#66816 Devel perf work
#73005 builtin.shell: "cmd" not available for interactive use
#81944 Error message triggered by ansible.builtin.shell reports error in ansible.legacy.command

#27777 [WIP] Fix lost connection_user in local connections.
#43274 script module with become prepends stdout with \r\n
#50585 script: chdir on Windows does not work
#67964 Unexpected CLIXML in stderr output
#76237 Additional exceptions attached to stderr in script module

#51988 [module: cron] Add option to change cron name without duplicate
#63629 [Cron module] Disabled option should work with a cron_file specified
#65466 cron: cron_file validation skip option
#76521 [cron] An extra line should be added after the cronjob in the crontab
#83223 Cron module fails without error message

#41811 [WIP] Show deprecation message when using top-level fact vars
#71512 [WIP] [Experimental Thing] [Oh god what am I doing] Move HostVars instantiation to VariableManager
#71745 Loop variable can be undefined when using delegate after upgrade to 2.9.10
#72419 rework some of ansible's inner templating
#82995 Prevent extra vars from bleeding into hostvars

#45719 WIP: Ensure bare & full Jinja var give the same result
#57504 [WIP] Templating optimizations
#64961 WIP Performance Work
#80394 priority based post validation
#81861 Updated some incomplete docstrings, added missing docstrings

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory
#80897 Added option to exclude files and directories in copy module #80208
#81346 copy module diff output for multi files
#82658 copy - fix recursively setting mode and directory_mode with remote_src=True
#83235 fix copy module update atime/mtime

#56817 Adding loop_control.notify_scope
#72553 [POC] Add projection feature for registering vars - Option 2
#73309 Add Playbook and PlaybookInclude into parent chain
#73828 another step away from pc
#82770 [PoC] Don't inherit stdio

#64961 WIP Performance Work
#66816 Devel perf work
#80625 ansible-doc - output additional `version_added` information from `main/argument_specs.yml`
#81796 ansible-doc: show 'notes', 'seealso', 'requirements', and top-level 'version_added' for role entrypoints
#82593 actually show plugin config warnings/deprecations

#64961 WIP Performance Work
#66816 Devel perf work
#75108 minor path related fixes
#75313 Handle failures in ansible-connection instead of returning None
#76430 WIP: bypass ansible-connection for existing connections

#64961 WIP Performance Work
#69903 Using a variable list for tags parameter results in an unhashable type: 'list' exception
#73309 Add Playbook and PlaybookInclude into parent chain
#79752 omit in delegate_to doesnt works in blocks
#81861 Updated some incomplete docstrings, added missing docstrings

90. MANIFEST.in 5 total

#72499 Inv output templates
#80782 Added Community Collection Template as a collection-type to create new collections locally
#81440 Move dist entry points to declarative meta
#81443 PoC - Drop use of setup.py and setup.cfg
#82681 Output MarkDown version next to RST version of changelog

91. test 5 total

#61460 False positive on required-and-default-attributes sanity test
#75579 3 test suite failures discovered while packaging on GNU Guix
#80843 Remove __future__ and metaclass boilerplate from controller code
#81328 `old_style_cache_plugins` integration tests should not use redis
#82013 Reduce integration test dependencies on external resources

#73268 Task variables not evaluated when used as vars arguments for a lookup plugin
#75844 ansible-config get
#78396 ansible-config - dump/list galaxy servers
#79959 empty ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH throws ERROR instead of disabling logging
#83129 config, integrate dynamic galaxy servers

93. setup.cfg 5 total

#80782 Added Community Collection Template as a collection-type to create new collections locally
#81440 Move dist entry points to declarative meta
#81443 PoC - Drop use of setup.py and setup.cfg
#82696 Zippy zip zip
#83221 Remove Python 3.10 support for the controller

#79624 Argument Spec Validation Failure with vault + no_log
#80531 Add option for argument_specs to hide variables in argument_spec_data that did not fail
#80551 Allow for validate_argument_spec advanced data validation
#82186 validate_argument_spec `type=list` and `elements=str` convert bool or int in a list of string
#82505 Validating arguments against arg spec occuring on all tagged roles

#11568 Add check and diff mode support to assemble
#36455 Add check and diff mode support to assemble module
#73828 another step away from pc
#76156 move to more precise config sources

#28674 The Ansible/Jinja parser incorrectly tries to parse command/shell comment blocks
#41342 The path to blkid cannot be resolved by os-prober when using the command module in a playbook to create a new grub.cfg
#75156 import_tasks, delegate_to not delegating
#81944 Error message triggered by ansible.builtin.shell reports error in ansible.legacy.command

#28674 The Ansible/Jinja parser incorrectly tries to parse command/shell comment blocks
#41342 The path to blkid cannot be resolved by os-prober when using the command module in a playbook to create a new grub.cfg
#73005 builtin.shell: "cmd" not available for interactive use
#81944 Error message triggered by ansible.builtin.shell reports error in ansible.legacy.command

#29930 atomic_move does not preserve ACL
#71828 lineinfile module: non existing file is not created when using "backrefs"
#74991 `lineinfile:` ignores `insertbefore:` except on first-run
#80678 Update lineinfile.py: uniq option added

#31194 Fetching large file consumes a lot of memory
#49837 Ansible fetch sticky bit
#69383 fetch results in checksum mismatch
#79864 Add support for encrypting files fetched to local

#38176 never tag does not show up with --list-tags
#50044 Handlers should respect skip-tags
#80394 priority based post validation
#82314 Fix templating tags on plays and roles

#43274 script module with become prepends stdout with \r\n
#50585 script: chdir on Windows does not work
#67964 Unexpected CLIXML in stderr output
#76237 Additional exceptions attached to stderr in script module

#54274 Unexpected interpolation of env var in role name
#64961 WIP Performance Work
#73309 Add Playbook and PlaybookInclude into parent chain
#81861 Updated some incomplete docstrings, added missing docstrings

#13620 update_json for module intermediate comms
#73828 another step away from pc
#78167 shell plugin now uses config system fully
#81579 Added new connection plugin prepare_command method

#18596 New module: remove_host
#64961 WIP Performance Work
#79995 Inventories should be manipulable as normal after deserialization
#82367 fix remove_host functions

#18596 New module: remove_host
#64961 WIP Performance Work
#66816 Devel perf work
#82181 Add ssh-agent launching, and ssh-agent python client

#28603 WIP Fixing relative dwim searching when the src path contains ..
#64961 WIP Performance Work
#74259 [POC] Support unpacking loop vars
#81861 Updated some incomplete docstrings, added missing docstrings

#49000 git: add explicit submodule_init parameter, add submodule_depth parameter, and cleanup parameter support verification. (#48678)
#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory
#80456 Fix git submodule tracking
#83251 move some git integration test setup into the test

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory
#58408 [WIP] Add initial implementation of RFC 7464 JSON stream
#74226 [WIP] [might be horrible] Modulify async_wrapper + remove deprecations
#77196 Add pid tracking to async_wrapper, add terminate functionality to async_status

#52739 Use ssh key from vault
#66816 Devel perf work
#74828 one become error to rule em all
#82770 [PoC] Don't inherit stdio

#64961 WIP Performance Work
#81651 Clarification on host targeting in playbooks
#81861 Updated some incomplete docstrings, added missing docstrings
#82150 --start-at-task only respected for first batch of serial

#66269 Sanitize debug var= tasks of the loop variable
#69731 Loop variables with leading underscore appear in debug message
#69947 plugin signature based on options
#83267 Documented v2_runner_on_failed method in Callback class

#67871 Add tests for check_required_by and fix default return value
#72110 module mutually exclusive check not mathematically based
#81575 Add support for X_strict types in argspec
#82731 [WIP] Make sure that none is not accepted for required module options

#69514 adding selinux_role to sudo become
#74760 sudo error message does not make it to module stdout/stderr when user has some sudo rights, just not what is needed
#80146 become plugins, use shlex quote instead of manual
#80883 --ask-become-pass not working when fingerprint is enabled (not MFA)

#70721 normalize bool filter to 'ansible booleans'
#81727 yaml filters now use 'ansible yaml'
#82224 [PoC] Use per run on the fly jinja2 byte code caching
#82967 utilize pathlib.Path instead of os.path.join()

#71190 Create gss_auth option for paramiko_ssh connection plugin
#71201 Add support for the gss_auth option to the paramiko_ssh connection plugin
#73828 another step away from pc
#75108 minor path related fixes

#73828 another step away from pc
#80394 priority based post validation
#80746 fixes static 'roles:' with play context
#81861 Updated some incomplete docstrings, added missing docstrings

#73828 another step away from pc
#81277 psrp plugin bug with script module using chdir argument
#81282 psrp - fix up script chdir setting
#81579 Added new connection plugin prepare_command method

#74226 [WIP] [might be horrible] Modulify async_wrapper + remove deprecations
#77196 Add pid tracking to async_wrapper, add terminate functionality to async_status
#77450 Intermittent "could not find job" error when polling async task
#81805 'could not find job' on async_status with delegate_to localhost

#74693 facts - return the correct number of VCPUs for systems with only one core
#75147 Collecting facts for mount points in AIX VPAR not working
#80088 Define processor topology on s390x
#81246 Fix Linux Sector count Fact

#74774 optimize config for making it on demand and fix deprecation warnings
#75215 new set_var
#81947 make constant loading dynamic
#82593 actually show plugin config warnings/deprecations

#75108 minor path related fixes
#79293 combine(.. , list_merge='append') filter does not work correctly with two equivalent vars
#79687 Prototype vars and inventory dump performance tweaks
#82181 Add ssh-agent launching, and ssh-agent python client

#54403 apt_repository modify comment line /etc/apt/sources.list
#81259 apt_repository module breaks with strange UnicodeDecodeError
#82393 apt_repository errors out with multiline strings with trailing newline
#83230 apt_*: add more info message while updating apt cache

#56495 Group module fails if local: true, state: absent, and group exists in centralized management
#71247 group module failed to add a administrator group on AIX system.
#76774 module group cannot rename group
#81770 Add UID and GID min/max keys

#70834 ansible incorrectly displays the size of lastlog
#76768 Feature: add owner and group filter to builtin.find
#83014 feat: checksum_algo param for find module
#83153 Adds `max_matches` parameter to `ansible.builtin.find`

#79639 `expect` module tries to chdir before checking `removes` condition
#80173 Support expect raw responses
#82188 ansible.builtin.expect echo arg doesn't work as expected
#82238 expect - hide responses from the invocation with echo=false

#80675 Refactor vault
#81918 allow user to control vault decrypt is error
#82418 Execute ScriptVaultSecret on demand instead of on load
#82721 Ignore empty vault filenames

#71796 validate-modules for plugins: option type: should long forms boolean, string, integer etc. be allowed?
#81575 Add support for X_strict types in argspec
#82593 actually show plugin config warnings/deprecations
#82731 [WIP] Make sure that none is not accepted for required module options

#72716 With pipelining enabled, WARNING appears during wait_for_connection
#74237 wait_for_connection ignores short timeouts
#80514 Problem with wait_for_connection and delegate_to when SSH is not temporarily UP
#82804 wait_for_connection does not discover new python interpreter after reboot

#72741 apt_key fails if keyring option is used. "msg": "key does not seem to have been added"
#77757 ansible apt_key module does not update expired keys
#82497 "apt-key did not return an error, but failed to add the key (check that the id is correct and *not* a subkey)" for expired key - but the key is added
#82517 apt_key: Consider expired keys while performing operations

#36978 include_tasks in a loop breaks task execution order
#42561  'class' is not a valid variable name from include_* vars section but is valid as a command line argument
#82114 include_tasks' apply recursivity option

#47837 iptables module attempts to use incompatible policy and action commands
#80856 When creating DNAT rules with different destinations then only 1 will be created
#82525 Add support for iptables TCPMSS --clamp-mss-to-pmtu

#51618 y|Y|n|N|on|On|ON|off|Off|OFF not Converted to Boolean when DEFAULT_JINJA2_NATIVE is False
#62906 only last iteration will be effective using set_fact with delegation to update object
#82955 strings templated using a lookup in a loop shouldn't be cached and re-used

#51618 y|Y|n|N|on|On|ON|off|Off|OFF not Converted to Boolean when DEFAULT_JINJA2_NATIVE is False
#62906 only last iteration will be effective using set_fact with delegation to update object
#82955 strings templated using a lookup in a loop shouldn't be cached and re-used

#13620 update_json for module intermediate comms
#64961 WIP Performance Work
#82192 Deprecate is_module parameter in get_docstring

#13620 update_json for module intermediate comms
#70816 [POC] Add and use new extract_json function
#74226 [WIP] [might be horrible] Modulify async_wrapper + remove deprecations

#18596 New module: remove_host
#64961 WIP Performance Work
#82003 Fix task.resolved_action callbacks

#25260 Set attributes if different (fixes #48839)
#72453 files module, rmtree failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: , when directory is deleted by external process
#83049 Adding example to use gid in file module

#44175 added tests for correctly handling handlers w free
#78777 Tags on handlers
#83209 linear: fix included handlers executing in lockstep

#49000 git: add explicit submodule_init parameter, add submodule_depth parameter, and cleanup parameter support verification. (#48678)
#80456 Fix git submodule tracking
#83251 move some git integration test setup into the test

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory
#81558 add a function for the centralised list of shell/command options
#81575 Add support for X_strict types in argspec

#56817 Adding loop_control.notify_scope
#72419 rework some of ansible's inner templating
#72499 Inv output templates

#57504 [WIP] Templating optimizations
#72419 rework some of ansible's inner templating
#73356 simplify var templating and avoid hostvarsvars

#58408 [WIP] Add initial implementation of RFC 7464 JSON stream
#74226 [WIP] [might be horrible] Modulify async_wrapper + remove deprecations
#77196 Add pid tracking to async_wrapper, add terminate functionality to async_status

#58408 [WIP] Add initial implementation of RFC 7464 JSON stream
#66430 Move `patch_ansible_module` to a pytest plugin
#83257 Remove extraneous pylint ignore

#64092 get_url: Verify checksum using tmpsrc, not dest
#80365 get_url - support tabs in checksum file
#81967 Implement relative path in checksumfile

#64961 WIP Performance Work
#81854 try to proxy copy of pl loading
#82770 [PoC] Don't inherit stdio

#64961 WIP Performance Work
#73309 Add Playbook and PlaybookInclude into parent chain
#80746 fixes static 'roles:' with play context

#64961 WIP Performance Work
#80394 priority based post validation
#81861 Updated some incomplete docstrings, added missing docstrings

#64961 WIP Performance Work
#78777 Tags on handlers
#80394 priority based post validation

#64961 WIP Performance Work
#73309 Add Playbook and PlaybookInclude into parent chain
#81861 Updated some incomplete docstrings, added missing docstrings

#66816 Devel perf work
#73838 [wip] Get connection
#79687 Prototype vars and inventory dump performance tweaks

#54412 Do not produce a warning when setting errors='ignore' in lookup()
#66816 Devel perf work
#79687 Prototype vars and inventory dump performance tweaks

#72097 pip: Add support for various pip install modes
#81816 Fix pip changed status when installing from vcs
#83189 Fix unable to find pip in the virtualenv when using relative path

#73309 Add Playbook and PlaybookInclude into parent chain
#80394 priority based post validation
#81861 Updated some incomplete docstrings, added missing docstrings

#57013 Single import_tasks, but double task file execution
#75156 import_tasks, delegate_to not delegating
#75957 import_tasks not working correctly when used within import_tasks

#60077 Ansible fails to report matching but broken symlink in host_vars directory
#78765 Add option to allow users to ignore decryption errors with ansible-inventory
#79687 Prototype vars and inventory dump performance tweaks

157. bin/ansible-doc 3 total

#61906 ansible-doc fails on collections with symlinked and/or underscored modules
#76885 ansible-doc "unknown doc_fragment" exception is difficult to troubleshoot
#80508 Extend ansible-doc to list and display information about collection extensions

#69519 AnsibleFileNotFound suggests module options that are not valid
#80675 Refactor vault
#82730 Use underlying `AnsibleError` exception as cause

#75719 [WIP] Excluded certain `include_role` and `include_tasks` attributes from `post_validate`
#82893 [PoC] end_role
#83263 Add end_role meta task

#76313 Extract useful code out of `fetch_url`
#80566 adding option for form-multipart data to switch multipart encoding from default base64 to 7or8bit encoding
#83085 Extend ProxyHandler to support CIDR ranges for no_proxy

#77196 Add pid tracking to async_wrapper, add terminate functionality to async_status
#77450 Intermittent "could not find job" error when polling async task
#81805 'could not find job' on async_status with delegate_to localhost

#79293 combine(.. , list_merge='append') filter does not work correctly with two equivalent vars
#79312 lib/ansible/utils/vars.py - def merge_hash - fix for append / prepend when merging vars are equal
#79687 Prototype vars and inventory dump performance tweaks

#80746 fixes static 'roles:' with play context
#81861 Updated some incomplete docstrings, added missing docstrings
#82182 Fix validating role params of dependencies that are used by ansible-galaxy

#81440 Move dist entry points to declarative meta
#81443 PoC - Drop use of setup.py and setup.cfg
#82681 Output MarkDown version next to RST version of changelog

165. bin/ansible-vault 3 total

#71619 Have only one --name option for ansible-vault encrypt_string (--stdin-name vs --name)
#73875 ansible-vault strips passwords
#75646 String encrypted with ansible-vault encrypt_string will be false if evaluated with `is string`

#72451 systemd enabled not working as expected
#82958 systemd_service: Support for the "machine" parameter
#82959 systemd_service - Add the machine parameter (#82958)

#81575 Add support for X_strict types in argspec
#81631 Avoid internal error when validating argspec
#82731 [WIP] Make sure that none is not accepted for required module options

#81694 Always stringify collection requirement versions
#81764 Select pre-release collections that are inevitable
#81812 Fix `is_pinned` property of `Requirement`

#81727 yaml filters now use 'ansible yaml'
#82665 Add support for crypt/libxcrypt via ctypes, as an alternative to passlib
#82730 Use underlying `AnsibleError` exception as cause

#82260 How am I supposed to pass galaxy_token?
#82270 Avoid creating GALAXY_TOKEN_PATH for configured servers
#83145 Add Keycloak service account auth capability to ansible-galaxy

#83220 ansible-test: replace RHEL 9.3 with 9.4
#83221 Remove Python 3.10 support for the controller
#83262 ansible-test: replace Fedora 39 with 40

#11568 Add check and diff mode support to assemble
#36455 Add check and diff mode support to assemble module

#28006 Inventory group_vars/host_vars aren't loaded recursively when playbook is launch from a high level inventory directory
#41811 [WIP] Show deprecation message when using top-level fact vars

#30116 Timed abort in pause module
#81155 "pause" module should flush Ansible's standard streams if "prompt" argument is supplied

#30116 Timed abort in pause module
#81155 "pause" module should flush Ansible's standard streams if "prompt" argument is supplied

#52651 known_host module fails tryin to install a @cert-authority key using an IP as name
#68795 known_hosts changes permissions on file when removing a named host

#13620 update_json for module intermediate comms
#64961 WIP Performance Work

#13620 update_json for module intermediate comms
#77489 [POC] ASCII Splash

#18596 New module: remove_host
#82367 fix remove_host functions

#31555 [WIP] fixes and improvements to pull
#64961 WIP Performance Work

#36331 WIP: Allow certain, simple Jinja values to be unquoted.
#81727 yaml filters now use 'ansible yaml'

#41420 [WIP] fix / in inventory_hostname on cache plugin
#66816 Devel perf work

#41811 [WIP] Show deprecation message when using top-level fact vars
#57504 [WIP] Templating optimizations

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory
#57574 file: Raise error on permission denied

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory
#83014 feat: checksum_algo param for find module

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory
#83251 move some git integration test setup into the test

#56603 [facts] iscsi fixes, add/fix solaris discovery for iscsi iqn
#83256 test: Cleanup facts/network/* tests

#57504 [WIP] Templating optimizations
#80675 Refactor vault

#57504 [WIP] Templating optimizations
#66816 Devel perf work

#58408 [WIP] Add initial implementation of RFC 7464 JSON stream
#83080 powershell - Improve Add-Type tempdir handler

#58408 [WIP] Add initial implementation of RFC 7464 JSON stream
#66430 Move `patch_ansible_module` to a pytest plugin

#58408 [WIP] Add initial implementation of RFC 7464 JSON stream
#66430 Move `patch_ansible_module` to a pytest plugin

#58408 [WIP] Add initial implementation of RFC 7464 JSON stream
#66430 Move `patch_ansible_module` to a pytest plugin

#58408 [WIP] Add initial implementation of RFC 7464 JSON stream
#66430 Move `patch_ansible_module` to a pytest plugin

#60081 [WIP] allow users to 'undefine' a variable
#82519 Deprecation for YAML datetime parsing

#62150 create replace action plugin; remove replace module.
#64353 Use streaming for the replace module to avoid memory issues

#62151 [WIP] loop_control until feature
#77614 [PoC] Add loop_control.lookup

#64961 WIP Performance Work
#66816 Devel perf work

#64961 WIP Performance Work
#66816 Devel perf work

#66430 Move `patch_ansible_module` to a pytest plugin
#83257 Remove extraneous pylint ignore

#66430 Move `patch_ansible_module` to a pytest plugin
#83257 Remove extraneous pylint ignore

#66430 Move `patch_ansible_module` to a pytest plugin
#83257 Remove extraneous pylint ignore

#66430 Move `patch_ansible_module` to a pytest plugin
#82696 Zippy zip zip

#67103 [WIP] pip module - virtualenv_command parameter: check py3 venv module can be used
#72097 pip: Add support for various pip install modes

#71707 POC: Support module extensible JSON encoding
#82977 action - remove deprecated functionality from plugin

#70910 allow usage of documentation fragments in EXAMPLES and RETURN
#72635 add fragments to return

#72635 add fragments to return
#82192 Deprecate is_module parameter in get_docstring

#72635 add fragments to return
#82593 actually show plugin config warnings/deprecations

#73239 Make sure collection name is included in plugin deprecations from collections
#76994 Don't use __import__ and a loop, just use import_module

#73309 Add Playbook and PlaybookInclude into parent chain
#82003 Fix task.resolved_action callbacks

#73309 Add Playbook and PlaybookInclude into parent chain
#82252 reduce number of implicit flush_handlers tasks when unnecessary

#73828 another step away from pc
#76156 move to more precise config sources

#73828 another step away from pc
#82770 [PoC] Don't inherit stdio

#74693 facts - return the correct number of VCPUs for systems with only one core
#80088 Define processor topology on s390x

#71209 Using passwd command to change a user password instead of usermod
#75108 minor path related fixes

#75313 Handle failures in ansible-connection instead of returning None
#75316 [WIP] Always log persist

#66002 module_utils: does not properly encode URLs
#82724 `check_required_one_of` does not check for null params values

#68365 Some way to customize junit callback plugin in ansible-test run for a collection
#79657 give a warning for unsupported role argument spec fields

#69088 Reboot module in playbook timeout after upgrading from 2.7.10 to 2.9.7
#83018 'reboot' module not working as expected: failure to setup for boot_time_command's execution gets treated as result of boot_time_command

#69882 import_tasks within import_role not working
#82677 remove 'allow_duplicates' param for include/import role

#75467 role arg spec - allow file extensions in `tasks_from`
#79657 give a warning for unsupported role argument spec fields

#78111 pipelining 4.3
#80146 become plugins, use shlex quote instead of manual

#78113 [poc] dynamic raw list
#81558 add a function for the centralised list of shell/command options

#78396 ansible-config - dump/list galaxy servers
#83129 config, integrate dynamic galaxy servers

#78396 ansible-config - dump/list galaxy servers
#83129 config, integrate dynamic galaxy servers

#80173 Support expect raw responses
#82238 expect - hide responses from the invocation with echo=false

#80173 Support expect raw responses
#82238 expect - hide responses from the invocation with echo=false

#80394 priority based post validation
#81861 Updated some incomplete docstrings, added missing docstrings

#80675 Refactor vault
#82721 Ignore empty vault filenames

#81282 psrp - fix up script chdir setting
#81579 Added new connection plugin prepare_command method

#81282 psrp - fix up script chdir setting
#81579 Added new connection plugin prepare_command method

#81364 apt module, fix issue with packages not installing when pinned and cached
#83230 apt_*: add more info message while updating apt cache

233. setup.py 2 total

#81440 Move dist entry points to declarative meta
#81443 PoC - Drop use of setup.py and setup.cfg

#81440 Move dist entry points to declarative meta
#81443 PoC - Drop use of setup.py and setup.cfg

#70360 Ansible setup fails to detect domain of server
#81741 hostname module not fully protected from bad hostnames

#70834 ansible incorrectly displays the size of lastlog
#83014 feat: checksum_algo param for find module

#71796 validate-modules for plugins: option type: should long forms boolean, string, integer etc. be allowed?
#82593 actually show plugin config warnings/deprecations

#72377 apply_defaults for inventory (and other non-module) plugins
#81603 constructed inventory, allow adding variables directly, including ansible_group_priority

#73268 Task variables not evaluated when used as vars arguments for a lookup plugin
#79959 empty ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH throws ERROR instead of disabling logging

#79296 ansible-core 2.12.10 (and later vers) don't accept comma in a name of yaml variable file
#82695 Including tasks with `first_found` fails to find files within same task directory

#79585 ansible.builtin.rpm_key fails in certain cases when deleting a key
#81929 [rpm_key] Pass GPG key as string value

#81575 Add support for X_strict types in argspec
#82731 [WIP] Make sure that none is not accepted for required module options

#81672 Make sure that all no_log parameters are processed even if some arguments have values of the wrong type
#82731 [WIP] Make sure that none is not accepted for required module options

#81693 Implement a debugging reporter for collection dependency resolver
#81709 Implement an informative reporter for resolvelib

#81764 Select pre-release collections that are inevitable
#81812 Fix `is_pinned` property of `Requirement`

#81764 Select pre-release collections that are inevitable
#81812 Fix `is_pinned` property of `Requirement`

#81764 Select pre-release collections that are inevitable
#81812 Fix `is_pinned` property of `Requirement`

#81764 Select pre-release collections that are inevitable
#81812 Fix `is_pinned` property of `Requirement`

#81764 Select pre-release collections that are inevitable
#81812 Fix `is_pinned` property of `Requirement`

#81764 Select pre-release collections that are inevitable
#81812 Fix `is_pinned` property of `Requirement`

#81861 Updated some incomplete docstrings, added missing docstrings
#82182 Fix validating role params of dependencies that are used by ansible-galaxy

#81861 Updated some incomplete docstrings, added missing docstrings
#82182 Fix validating role params of dependencies that are used by ansible-galaxy

#81943 [git] Pass private key content from the control node
#83251 move some git integration test setup into the test

#82050 Use a Specific Package Manager
#82598 Cannot delegate to a host defined by a variable whose value is determined using ansible_facts, for package module

#82052 ansible-galaxy - fixup role install failure handling
#82182 Fix validating role params of dependencies that are used by ansible-galaxy

#82252 reduce number of implicit flush_handlers tasks when unnecessary
#83134 PlayIterator, refactored

#82624 ansible-galaxy - Don't copy a file from a skeleton if file.j2 also exists
#83129 config, integrate dynamic galaxy servers

258. packaging/release.py 2 total

#82681 Output MarkDown version next to RST version of changelog
#83221 Remove Python 3.10 support for the controller

#82770 [PoC] Don't inherit stdio
#83257 Remove extraneous pylint ignore

#82770 [PoC] Don't inherit stdio
#83257 Remove extraneous pylint ignore

#82772 Auto-inject coverage defaults through a plugin
#83221 Remove Python 3.10 support for the controller

#82598 Cannot delegate to a host defined by a variable whose value is determined using ansible_facts, for package module
#82881 Fix package manager determination when delegate_to is unsafe

#82893 [PoC] end_role
#83263 Add end_role meta task

#82893 [PoC] end_role
#83263 Add end_role meta task

#82893 [PoC] end_role
#83263 Add end_role meta task

#82893 [PoC] end_role
#83263 Add end_role meta task

#82893 [PoC] end_role
#83263 Add end_role meta task

#82893 [PoC] end_role
#83263 Add end_role meta task

#82893 [PoC] end_role
#83263 Add end_role meta task

#82893 [PoC] end_role
#83263 Add end_role meta task

#82893 [PoC] end_role
#83263 Add end_role meta task

#82893 [PoC] end_role
#83263 Add end_role meta task

#83087 Need ansible.builtin.dpkg_selections to hold package even if not already installed
#83088 dpkg_selections fixes for 'unprimed' pkgs

#83214 debconf: MODULE FAILURE (not enough values to unpack (expected 4, got 3))
#83217 debconf: set empty password value

#83220 ansible-test: replace RHEL 9.3 with 9.4
#83262 ansible-test: replace Fedora 39 with 40

#36223 wait_for does not catch exception thrown by socket.recv

277. bin/ansible-console 1 total

#48320 ansible_console: colored prompt breaks input longer than line

#48984 blockinfile fails when block is a jinja template with a for loop inside and quotes inside

#13620 update_json for module intermediate comms

#18596 New module: remove_host

#18596 New module: remove_host

#18596 New module: remove_host

#18596 New module: remove_host

#32480 [WIP] safer task results

#32480 [WIP] safer task results

#32480 [WIP] safer task results

#32480 [WIP] safer task results

#32609 large inventory loading performance enhancement. avoid calling glob.glob() search for .py files in loader.py all() function for each host.

#32609 large inventory loading performance enhancement. avoid calling glob.glob() search for .py files in loader.py all() function for each host.

#33817 Add os-release file parsing, partially fix #25897

#33817 Add os-release file parsing, partially fix #25897

#33817 Add os-release file parsing, partially fix #25897

#33817 Add os-release file parsing, partially fix #25897

#34228 Hardlink follow

#41621 [WIP] Issue 24215: Enable verbosity setting on a per-task basis.

#42645 [WIP] Cli password fixin

#42645 [WIP] Cli password fixin

#42645 [WIP] Cli password fixin

#44175 added tests for correctly handling handlers w free

#45719 WIP: Ensure bare & full Jinja var give the same result

#45805 Docs: Read arg_spec documentation from module

#45805 Docs: Read arg_spec documentation from module

#45805 Docs: Read arg_spec documentation from module

#45805 Docs: Read arg_spec documentation from module

#47344 allow 'ignore_missing' for fileglob lookups

#47344 allow 'ignore_missing' for fileglob lookups

#49000 git: add explicit submodule_init parameter, add submodule_depth parameter, and cleanup parameter support verification. (#48678)

#49993 shell & multiline YAML free form: add integration test

#51907 handle yum/dnf group long form names without @

#51907 handle yum/dnf group long form names without @

#51907 handle yum/dnf group long form names without @

#51907 handle yum/dnf group long form names without @

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52656 Make file state=absent respect recurse=false for previous state=directory

#52739 Use ssh key from vault

#52739 Use ssh key from vault

#52739 Use ssh key from vault

#54590 Allow to provide a client cert and key during SSL validation

#56508 WIP: Fix Issue #39543

#56508 WIP: Fix Issue #39543

#56508 WIP: Fix Issue #39543

#56508 WIP: Fix Issue #39543

#56508 WIP: Fix Issue #39543

#56508 WIP: Fix Issue #39543

#56508 WIP: Fix Issue #39543

#56603 [facts] iscsi fixes, add/fix solaris discovery for iscsi iqn

#56603 [facts] iscsi fixes, add/fix solaris discovery for iscsi iqn

#56817 Adding loop_control.notify_scope

#56817 Adding loop_control.notify_scope

#57129 [WIP] Handle disappearing hosts

#57504 [WIP] Templating optimizations

#57504 [WIP] Templating optimizations

#57504 [WIP] Templating optimizations

#57504 [WIP] Templating optimizations

#57504 [WIP] Templating optimizations

#57504 [WIP] Templating optimizations

#57574 file: Raise error on permission denied

#58017 [WIP] Add the ability to specify --root.

379. hacking/test-module.py 1 total

#58408 [WIP] Add initial implementation of RFC 7464 JSON stream

#58408 [WIP] Add initial implementation of RFC 7464 JSON stream

#58408 [WIP] Add initial implementation of RFC 7464 JSON stream

#58408 [WIP] Add initial implementation of RFC 7464 JSON stream

#58408 [WIP] Add initial implementation of RFC 7464 JSON stream

#58408 [WIP] Add initial implementation of RFC 7464 JSON stream

#58408 [WIP] Add initial implementation of RFC 7464 JSON stream

#58817 [WIP]Reuse get_collector_names method for network facts gathering

#58817 [WIP]Reuse get_collector_names method for network facts gathering

#62150 create replace action plugin; remove replace module.

#62151 [WIP] loop_control until feature

#64092 get_url: Verify checksum using tmpsrc, not dest

391. .github/BOTMETA.yml 1 total

#64961 WIP Performance Work

#64961 WIP Performance Work

#64961 WIP Performance Work

#64961 WIP Performance Work

#64961 WIP Performance Work

#64961 WIP Performance Work

#64961 WIP Performance Work

#64961 WIP Performance Work

#64961 WIP Performance Work

#64961 WIP Performance Work

#64961 WIP Performance Work

#64961 WIP Performance Work

#64961 WIP Performance Work

#65833 ansible-galaxy - Avoid infinite loop by following symlinks when building collections

#65833 ansible-galaxy - Avoid infinite loop by following symlinks when building collections

#66269 Sanitize debug var= tasks of the loop variable

#66430 Move `patch_ansible_module` to a pytest plugin

#66430 Move `patch_ansible_module` to a pytest plugin

#66430 Move `patch_ansible_module` to a pytest plugin

#66430 Move `patch_ansible_module` to a pytest plugin

#66430 Move `patch_ansible_module` to a pytest plugin

#66430 Move `patch_ansible_module` to a pytest plugin

#66430 Move `patch_ansible_module` to a pytest plugin

#66430 Move `patch_ansible_module` to a pytest plugin

#66430 Move `patch_ansible_module` to a pytest plugin

#66430 Move `patch_ansible_module` to a pytest plugin

#66430 Move `patch_ansible_module` to a pytest plugin

#66430 Move `patch_ansible_module` to a pytest plugin

#66816 Devel perf work

#66816 Devel perf work

#67715 SOCKS5 proxy support for uri module

#67871 Add tests for check_required_by and fix default return value

#69201 module_utils: require X_OK when checking cwd sanity

#69514 adding selinux_role to sudo become

#69514 adding selinux_role to sudo become

#69656 docs: Proposal: list playbook keywords with "Applies to" flags

#69656 docs: Proposal: list playbook keywords with "Applies to" flags

#69662 add defensive conversions to display methods, tests

#69662 add defensive conversions to display methods, tests

#69662 add defensive conversions to display methods, tests

#69947 plugin signature based on options

#70721 normalize bool filter to 'ansible booleans'

#70721 normalize bool filter to 'ansible booleans'

#70721 normalize bool filter to 'ansible booleans'

#70897 user: Unlock by default with no password, busybox

#71190 Create gss_auth option for paramiko_ssh connection plugin

437. examples/ansible.cfg 1 total

#71190 Create gss_auth option for paramiko_ssh connection plugin

#71512 [WIP] [Experimental Thing] [Oh god what am I doing] Move HostVars instantiation to VariableManager

#72097 pip: Add support for various pip install modes

#72097 pip: Add support for various pip install modes

#72097 pip: Add support for various pip install modes

#72097 pip: Add support for various pip install modes

#72419 rework some of ansible's inner templating

#72499 Inv output templates

#72499 Inv output templates

#72499 Inv output templates

#72499 Inv output templates

#72553 [POC] Add projection feature for registering vars - Option 2

#72553 [POC] Add projection feature for registering vars - Option 2

#72553 [POC] Add projection feature for registering vars - Option 2

#72635 add fragments to return

#72635 add fragments to return

#73239 Make sure collection name is included in plugin deprecations from collections

#73309 Add Playbook and PlaybookInclude into parent chain

#73309 Add Playbook and PlaybookInclude into parent chain

#73309 Add Playbook and PlaybookInclude into parent chain

#73309 Add Playbook and PlaybookInclude into parent chain

#73309 Add Playbook and PlaybookInclude into parent chain

#73763 Add refresh-token sub command for ansible-galaxy collection

#73828 another step away from pc

#73834 no tty, no wrap

#73939 Be much more explicit about variable precedence as it applies to roles

#74226 [WIP] [might be horrible] Modulify async_wrapper + remove deprecations

#74226 [WIP] [might be horrible] Modulify async_wrapper + remove deprecations

#74236 [toml] Increase test coverage

#74236 [toml] Increase test coverage

#74236 [toml] Increase test coverage

#74236 [toml] Increase test coverage

#74236 [toml] Increase test coverage

#74236 [toml] Increase test coverage

#74236 [toml] Increase test coverage

#74236 [toml] Increase test coverage

#74236 [toml] Increase test coverage

#74236 [toml] Increase test coverage

#74236 [toml] Increase test coverage

#74236 [toml] Increase test coverage

#74236 [toml] Increase test coverage

#74236 [toml] Increase test coverage

#74236 [toml] Increase test coverage

#74236 [toml] Increase test coverage

#74236 [toml] Increase test coverage

#74693 facts - return the correct number of VCPUs for systems with only one core

#74693 facts - return the correct number of VCPUs for systems with only one core

#74693 facts - return the correct number of VCPUs for systems with only one core

#74693 facts - return the correct number of VCPUs for systems with only one core

#74693 facts - return the correct number of VCPUs for systems with only one core

#74693 facts - return the correct number of VCPUs for systems with only one core

#74693 facts - return the correct number of VCPUs for systems with only one core

#74693 facts - return the correct number of VCPUs for systems with only one core

#74693 facts - return the correct number of VCPUs for systems with only one core

#74693 facts - return the correct number of VCPUs for systems with only one core

#75097 systemd try to handle missing sessions

#75108 minor path related fixes

#75108 minor path related fixes

#75108 minor path related fixes

#75215 new set_var

#75215 new set_var

#75215 new set_var

#75313 Handle failures in ansible-connection instead of returning None

500. bin/ansible-config 1 total

#63288 `ansible-config dump` doesn't show galaxy servers

501. bin/ansible-pull 1 total

#64630 Using ansible-pull with --ask-pass parameter does not prompt

#68696 service module not restarting Elastic filebeat on Debian Wheezy

#68696 service module not restarting Elastic filebeat on Debian Wheezy

#69813 Galaxy commands identify collection namespace.name incorrectly

#69813 Galaxy commands identify collection namespace.name incorrectly

#75316 [WIP] Always log persist

#75335 WIP: Sanity test to validate galaxy.yml metadata file for the required keys

#75335 WIP: Sanity test to validate galaxy.yml metadata file for the required keys

#75335 WIP: Sanity test to validate galaxy.yml metadata file for the required keys

#75467 role arg spec - allow file extensions in `tasks_from`

#75467 role arg spec - allow file extensions in `tasks_from`

#75467 role arg spec - allow file extensions in `tasks_from`

#75467 role arg spec - allow file extensions in `tasks_from`

#75467 role arg spec - allow file extensions in `tasks_from`

#75719 [WIP] Excluded certain `include_role` and `include_tasks` attributes from `post_validate`

#75719 [WIP] Excluded certain `include_role` and `include_tasks` attributes from `post_validate`

#75741 copy: Reduce calls to stat() by 50% in chown_recursive

#75742 module_utils: Consolidate set_owner_if_different & set_group_if_different

#75844 ansible-config get

#75854 fix task state handling

#75854 fix task state handling

#76306 DNF: covers checksum and other errors around download

#76306 DNF: covers checksum and other errors around download

#76306 DNF: covers checksum and other errors around download

#76313 Extract useful code out of `fetch_url`

#76565 set_Stats: Added list_merge option

#76565 set_Stats: Added list_merge option

#76565 set_Stats: Added list_merge option

#76667 harden service_facts states and add new output variable load_states

#76667 harden service_facts states and add new output variable load_states

#76667 harden service_facts states and add new output variable load_states

#77196 Add pid tracking to async_wrapper, add terminate functionality to async_status

#77196 Add pid tracking to async_wrapper, add terminate functionality to async_status

#77489 [POC] ASCII Splash

#77489 [POC] ASCII Splash

#77489 [POC] ASCII Splash

#77489 [POC] ASCII Splash

#77489 [POC] ASCII Splash

#77489 [POC] ASCII Splash

#77489 [POC] ASCII Splash

#77489 [POC] ASCII Splash

#77489 [POC] ASCII Splash

#77614 [PoC] Add loop_control.lookup

#78039 pip module - editable now applies to all packages

#78075 fix task execution/lockstep issues with clear_host_errors

#78075 fix task execution/lockstep issues with clear_host_errors

#78075 fix task execution/lockstep issues with clear_host_errors

#78111 pipelining 4.3

#78111 pipelining 4.3

#78111 pipelining 4.3

#78142 Add socks proxy support

#78142 Add socks proxy support

#78142 Add socks proxy support

#78167 shell plugin now uses config system fully

#78167 shell plugin now uses config system fully

#78396 ansible-config - dump/list galaxy servers

#78515 Allow user to disable console text wrapping

#78515 Allow user to disable console text wrapping

#78515 Allow user to disable console text wrapping

#78777 Tags on handlers

#78777 Tags on handlers

#78777 Tags on handlers

#78814 Fix using a fully qualified ansible.builtin module after legacy module

#78814 Fix using a fully qualified ansible.builtin module after legacy module

#78814 Fix using a fully qualified ansible.builtin module after legacy module

#79244 config options templatable

#79244 config options templatable

#79244 config options templatable

#79244 config options templatable

#79244 config options templatable

#79244 config options templatable

#79244 config options templatable

#79244 config options templatable

#79312 lib/ansible/utils/vars.py - def merge_hash - fix for append / prepend when merging vars are equal

#79469 Add a PyPI publishing GitHub Actions CD workflow

#79657 give a warning for unsupported role argument spec fields

#79657 give a warning for unsupported role argument spec fields

#79657 give a warning for unsupported role argument spec fields

#79657 give a warning for unsupported role argument spec fields

#79700 Sanity tests: ignore shebangs in files/ and templates/ in collection roles and integration test targets

#79700 Sanity tests: ignore shebangs in files/ and templates/ in collection roles and integration test targets

#79700 Sanity tests: ignore shebangs in files/ and templates/ in collection roles and integration test targets

#79700 Sanity tests: ignore shebangs in files/ and templates/ in collection roles and integration test targets

#79700 Sanity tests: ignore shebangs in files/ and templates/ in collection roles and integration test targets

#79700 Sanity tests: ignore shebangs in files/ and templates/ in collection roles and integration test targets

#79700 Sanity tests: ignore shebangs in files/ and templates/ in collection roles and integration test targets

#79700 Sanity tests: ignore shebangs in files/ and templates/ in collection roles and integration test targets

#79720 Controller argspec

#79720 Controller argspec

#79864 Add support for encrypting files fetched to local

#79864 Add support for encrypting files fetched to local

#79864 Add support for encrypting files fetched to local

#80088 Define processor topology on s390x

#80146 become plugins, use shlex quote instead of manual

#80146 become plugins, use shlex quote instead of manual

#80146 become plugins, use shlex quote instead of manual

#80173 Support expect raw responses

#80394 priority based post validation

#80456 Fix git submodule tracking

#80505 Refactor loading of vars_files to simplify and properly implement expectations

#80505 Refactor loading of vars_files to simplify and properly implement expectations

#80505 Refactor loading of vars_files to simplify and properly implement expectations

#80505 Refactor loading of vars_files to simplify and properly implement expectations

#80566 adding option for form-multipart data to switch multipart encoding from default base64 to 7or8bit encoding

#80566 adding option for form-multipart data to switch multipart encoding from default base64 to 7or8bit encoding

#80566 adding option for form-multipart data to switch multipart encoding from default base64 to 7or8bit encoding

#80625 ansible-doc - output additional `version_added` information from `main/argument_specs.yml`

#80637 use strategy plugin for check/list

#80637 use strategy plugin for check/list

#80668 Additional Vars Plugin Documentation Adjustments

#80675 Refactor vault

#80675 Refactor vault

#80675 Refactor vault

#80675 Refactor vault

#80675 Refactor vault

#80675 Refactor vault

#80675 Refactor vault

#80675 Refactor vault

#80675 Refactor vault

#80675 Refactor vault

#80675 Refactor vault

#80675 Refactor vault

#80675 Refactor vault

#80746 fixes static 'roles:' with play context

#80746 fixes static 'roles:' with play context

#80746 fixes static 'roles:' with play context

#80746 fixes static 'roles:' with play context

#80746 fixes static 'roles:' with play context

#80746 fixes static 'roles:' with play context

#80746 fixes static 'roles:' with play context

#80746 fixes static 'roles:' with play context

#80782 Added Community Collection Template as a collection-type to create new collections locally

#80782 Added Community Collection Template as a collection-type to create new collections locally

#80782 Added Community Collection Template as a collection-type to create new collections locally

#80782 Added Community Collection Template as a collection-type to create new collections locally

#80782 Added Community Collection Template as a collection-type to create new collections locally

#80782 Added Community Collection Template as a collection-type to create new collections locally

#80782 Added Community Collection Template as a collection-type to create new collections locally

#80782 Added Community Collection Template as a collection-type to create new collections locally

#80782 Added Community Collection Template as a collection-type to create new collections locally

#80782 Added Community Collection Template as a collection-type to create new collections locally

#80782 Added Community Collection Template as a collection-type to create new collections locally

#80782 Added Community Collection Template as a collection-type to create new collections locally

#80782 Added Community Collection Template as a collection-type to create new collections locally

#80782 Added Community Collection Template as a collection-type to create new collections locally

#80782 Added Community Collection Template as a collection-type to create new collections locally

#80782 Added Community Collection Template as a collection-type to create new collections locally

#80782 Added Community Collection Template as a collection-type to create new collections locally

#80782 Added Community Collection Template as a collection-type to create new collections locally

#80782 Added Community Collection Template as a collection-type to create new collections locally

#80782 Added Community Collection Template as a collection-type to create new collections locally

#80782 Added Community Collection Template as a collection-type to create new collections locally

#80782 Added Community Collection Template as a collection-type to create new collections locally

#80782 Added Community Collection Template as a collection-type to create new collections locally

#80782 Added Community Collection Template as a collection-type to create new collections locally

#80897 Added option to exclude files and directories in copy module #80208

#80897 Added option to exclude files and directories in copy module #80208

#80897 Added option to exclude files and directories in copy module #80208

#80897 Added option to exclude files and directories in copy module #80208

#80897 Added option to exclude files and directories in copy module #80208

#80897 Added option to exclude files and directories in copy module #80208

#80897 Added option to exclude files and directories in copy module #80208

#80897 Added option to exclude files and directories in copy module #80208

#81117 ansible-test - add proxy support to pip

#81117 ansible-test - add proxy support to pip

#81117 ansible-test - add proxy support to pip

#81117 ansible-test - add proxy support to pip

#81117 ansible-test - add proxy support to pip

#81117 ansible-test - add proxy support to pip

#81158 flush stdout after sending prompt and individual loop item results

#81158 flush stdout after sending prompt and individual loop item results

#81158 flush stdout after sending prompt and individual loop item results

#81158 flush stdout after sending prompt and individual loop item results

#81158 flush stdout after sending prompt and individual loop item results

#81158 flush stdout after sending prompt and individual loop item results

#81241 denote preferred collection with * when listing collections

#81241 denote preferred collection with * when listing collections

#81241 denote preferred collection with * when listing collections

#81282 psrp - fix up script chdir setting

#81346 copy module diff output for multi files

#81364 apt module, fix issue with packages not installing when pinned and cached

#81364 apt module, fix issue with packages not installing when pinned and cached

#81364 apt module, fix issue with packages not installing when pinned and cached

#81440 Move dist entry points to declarative meta

685. pyproject.toml 1 total

#81443 PoC - Drop use of setup.py and setup.cfg

#81511 Update a logical operation in code

#81520 Added code to catch exception when ZIP file has invalid timestamp (#81092)

#81520 Added code to catch exception when ZIP file has invalid timestamp (#81092)

#81520 Added code to catch exception when ZIP file has invalid timestamp (#81092)

#81520 Added code to catch exception when ZIP file has invalid timestamp (#81092)

#81547 Support Termux in ansible.builtin.package

#81547 Support Termux in ansible.builtin.package

#81550 Ensure v2_playbook_on_no_hosts_remaining fires

#81550 Ensure v2_playbook_on_no_hosts_remaining fires

#81550 Ensure v2_playbook_on_no_hosts_remaining fires

#81550 Ensure v2_playbook_on_no_hosts_remaining fires

#81550 Ensure v2_playbook_on_no_hosts_remaining fires

#81550 Ensure v2_playbook_on_no_hosts_remaining fires

#81550 Ensure v2_playbook_on_no_hosts_remaining fires

#81550 Ensure v2_playbook_on_no_hosts_remaining fires

#81550 Ensure v2_playbook_on_no_hosts_remaining fires

#81550 Ensure v2_playbook_on_no_hosts_remaining fires

#81550 Ensure v2_playbook_on_no_hosts_remaining fires

#81550 Ensure v2_playbook_on_no_hosts_remaining fires

#81550 Ensure v2_playbook_on_no_hosts_remaining fires

#81550 Ensure v2_playbook_on_no_hosts_remaining fires

#81550 Ensure v2_playbook_on_no_hosts_remaining fires

#81550 Ensure v2_playbook_on_no_hosts_remaining fires

#81550 Ensure v2_playbook_on_no_hosts_remaining fires

#81550 Ensure v2_playbook_on_no_hosts_remaining fires

#81550 Ensure v2_playbook_on_no_hosts_remaining fires

#81558 add a function for the centralised list of shell/command options

#81558 add a function for the centralised list of shell/command options

#71796 validate-modules for plugins: option type: should long forms boolean, string, integer etc. be allowed?

#72453 files module, rmtree failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: , when directory is deleted by external process

#72916 [Feature request] Ability to securely use $YUM[0-9]/$DNF[0-9] env vars in yum/dnf config files.

#75147 Collecting facts for mount points in AIX VPAR not working

#75147 Collecting facts for mount points in AIX VPAR not working

#79293 combine(.. , list_merge='append') filter does not work correctly with two equivalent vars

#79373 import_playbook in a collection change role search path for the rest of the playbook, breaking current collection search path

#79636 list index out of range with strategy: free

#79636 list index out of range with strategy: free

#80177 `retry_with_delays_and_condition` could be extended to accept a display callback

#80197 Fact "ansible_virtualization_type" incorrect on Microsoft laptops

#81575 Add support for X_strict types in argspec

#81579 Added new connection plugin prepare_command method

#81594 Add install_suggests in apt module

#81594 Add install_suggests in apt module

#81594 Add install_suggests in apt module

#81603 constructed inventory, allow adding variables directly, including ansible_group_priority

#81603 constructed inventory, allow adding variables directly, including ansible_group_priority

#81603 constructed inventory, allow adding variables directly, including ansible_group_priority

#81603 constructed inventory, allow adding variables directly, including ansible_group_priority

#81603 constructed inventory, allow adding variables directly, including ansible_group_priority

#81603 constructed inventory, allow adding variables directly, including ansible_group_priority

#81603 constructed inventory, allow adding variables directly, including ansible_group_priority

#81603 constructed inventory, allow adding variables directly, including ansible_group_priority

#81603 constructed inventory, allow adding variables directly, including ansible_group_priority

#81631 Avoid internal error when validating argspec

#81631 Avoid internal error when validating argspec

#81663 [PoC] Use remote_tmp as a fact to populate sh plugin config

#81663 [PoC] Use remote_tmp as a fact to populate sh plugin config

#81672 Make sure that all no_log parameters are processed even if some arguments have values of the wrong type

#81693 Implement a debugging reporter for collection dependency resolver

#81727 yaml filters now use 'ansible yaml'

#81743 apt - update the sources first if the cache can't be opened with default_release

#81770 Add UID and GID min/max keys

#81770 Add UID and GID min/max keys

#81770 Add UID and GID min/max keys

#81770 Add UID and GID min/max keys

#81770 Add UID and GID min/max keys

#81796 ansible-doc: show 'notes', 'seealso', 'requirements', and top-level 'version_added' for role entrypoints

#81796 ansible-doc: show 'notes', 'seealso', 'requirements', and top-level 'version_added' for role entrypoints

#81796 ansible-doc: show 'notes', 'seealso', 'requirements', and top-level 'version_added' for role entrypoints

#81796 ansible-doc: show 'notes', 'seealso', 'requirements', and top-level 'version_added' for role entrypoints

#81796 ansible-doc: show 'notes', 'seealso', 'requirements', and top-level 'version_added' for role entrypoints

#81812 Fix `is_pinned` property of `Requirement`

#81816 Fix pip changed status when installing from vcs

#81861 Updated some incomplete docstrings, added missing docstrings

#81874 Remove Python 2 datetime compat fallbacks

#81874 Remove Python 2 datetime compat fallbacks

#81874 Remove Python 2 datetime compat fallbacks

#81874 Remove Python 2 datetime compat fallbacks

#81918 allow user to control vault decrypt is error

#81918 allow user to control vault decrypt is error

#81918 allow user to control vault decrypt is error

#81918 allow user to control vault decrypt is error

#81918 allow user to control vault decrypt is error

#81929 [rpm_key] Pass GPG key as string value

#81929 [rpm_key] Pass GPG key as string value

#81943 [git] Pass private key content from the control node

#81943 [git] Pass private key content from the control node

#81967 Implement relative path in checksumfile

774. README.md 1 total

#81976 Update README.md

#82003 Fix task.resolved_action callbacks

#82003 Fix task.resolved_action callbacks

#82003 Fix task.resolved_action callbacks

#82003 Fix task.resolved_action callbacks

#82026 Respect `ANSIBLE_HOME` when determining SSH control path directory

#82041 make ansiballz use module tmp

#82052 ansible-galaxy - fixup role install failure handling

#82074 Clarify wording of human_to_bytes filter

#82181 Add ssh-agent launching, and ssh-agent python client

#82181 Add ssh-agent launching, and ssh-agent python client

#82181 Add ssh-agent launching, and ssh-agent python client

#82181 Add ssh-agent launching, and ssh-agent python client

#82181 Add ssh-agent launching, and ssh-agent python client

#82181 Add ssh-agent launching, and ssh-agent python client

#82181 Add ssh-agent launching, and ssh-agent python client

#82181 Add ssh-agent launching, and ssh-agent python client

#82181 Add ssh-agent launching, and ssh-agent python client

#82182 Fix validating role params of dependencies that are used by ansible-galaxy

#82182 Fix validating role params of dependencies that are used by ansible-galaxy

#82182 Fix validating role params of dependencies that are used by ansible-galaxy

#82182 Fix validating role params of dependencies that are used by ansible-galaxy

#82192 Deprecate is_module parameter in get_docstring

#82212 Include import_* tasks in play iterator

#82238 expect - hide responses from the invocation with echo=false

#82238 expect - hide responses from the invocation with echo=false

#82246 galaxy: make retryable HTTP status codes configurable

#82246 galaxy: make retryable HTTP status codes configurable

#82252 reduce number of implicit flush_handlers tasks when unnecessary

#82252 reduce number of implicit flush_handlers tasks when unnecessary

#82252 reduce number of implicit flush_handlers tasks when unnecessary

#82252 reduce number of implicit flush_handlers tasks when unnecessary

#82263 csvfile - let the config system do the typecasting.

#82263 csvfile - let the config system do the typecasting.

#82270 Avoid creating GALAXY_TOKEN_PATH for configured servers

#82314 Fix templating tags on plays and roles

#82314 Fix templating tags on plays and roles

#82314 Fix templating tags on plays and roles

#82314 Fix templating tags on plays and roles

#82314 Fix templating tags on plays and roles

#82314 Fix templating tags on plays and roles

#82329 Update documentation of the combine filter

#82336 Move `follow_redirects` parameter

#82336 Move `follow_redirects` parameter

#82336 Move `follow_redirects` parameter

#82367 fix remove_host functions

#82383 plugins/reboot: fix boot time command for FreeBSD

#82396 ๐Ÿงชโ‡ช Bump `galaxy_ng` to v4.9.0 in tests

#82405 ci: run docs-build checkers from ansible-documentation

#82405 ci: run docs-build checkers from ansible-documentation

#82409 move error from display to caller

#82480 propagate WorkerProcess create/start exceptions

#82480 propagate WorkerProcess create/start exceptions

#82480 propagate WorkerProcess create/start exceptions

#82480 propagate WorkerProcess create/start exceptions

#82480 propagate WorkerProcess create/start exceptions

#82517 apt_key: Consider expired keys while performing operations

#82517 apt_key: Consider expired keys while performing operations

#82517 apt_key: Consider expired keys while performing operations

#82519 Deprecation for YAML datetime parsing

#82519 Deprecation for YAML datetime parsing

#82519 Deprecation for YAML datetime parsing

#82519 Deprecation for YAML datetime parsing

#82529 Make roles generation compatible with ansible-lint autofix feature

#82529 Make roles generation compatible with ansible-lint autofix feature

#82529 Make roles generation compatible with ansible-lint autofix feature

#82556 Fbsd service facts

#82593 actually show plugin config warnings/deprecations

#82593 actually show plugin config warnings/deprecations

#82593 actually show plugin config warnings/deprecations

#82593 actually show plugin config warnings/deprecations

#82593 actually show plugin config warnings/deprecations

#82593 actually show plugin config warnings/deprecations

#82593 actually show plugin config warnings/deprecations

#82593 actually show plugin config warnings/deprecations

#82593 actually show plugin config warnings/deprecations

#82624 ansible-galaxy - Don't copy a file from a skeleton if file.j2 also exists

#82624 ansible-galaxy - Don't copy a file from a skeleton if file.j2 also exists

#82624 ansible-galaxy - Don't copy a file from a skeleton if file.j2 also exists

#82624 ansible-galaxy - Don't copy a file from a skeleton if file.j2 also exists

#82624 ansible-galaxy - Don't copy a file from a skeleton if file.j2 also exists

#82624 ansible-galaxy - Don't copy a file from a skeleton if file.j2 also exists

#82624 ansible-galaxy - Don't copy a file from a skeleton if file.j2 also exists

#82624 ansible-galaxy - Don't copy a file from a skeleton if file.j2 also exists

#82624 ansible-galaxy - Don't copy a file from a skeleton if file.j2 also exists

#82658 copy - fix recursively setting mode and directory_mode with remote_src=True

#82665 Add support for crypt/libxcrypt via ctypes, as an alternative to passlib

#82665 Add support for crypt/libxcrypt via ctypes, as an alternative to passlib

#82665 Add support for crypt/libxcrypt via ctypes, as an alternative to passlib

#82665 Add support for crypt/libxcrypt via ctypes, as an alternative to passlib

#82665 Add support for crypt/libxcrypt via ctypes, as an alternative to passlib

#82665 Add support for crypt/libxcrypt via ctypes, as an alternative to passlib

#82665 Add support for crypt/libxcrypt via ctypes, as an alternative to passlib

#82665 Add support for crypt/libxcrypt via ctypes, as an alternative to passlib

868. changelogs/README.md 1 total

#82681 Output MarkDown version next to RST version of changelog

869. changelogs/config.yaml 1 total

#82681 Output MarkDown version next to RST version of changelog

#82690 Copy target min python check into ansiballz template

#82696 Zippy zip zip

#82696 Zippy zip zip

#82696 Zippy zip zip

#82696 Zippy zip zip

#82714 Fix up gather_facts parallel=true in check mode

#82714 Fix up gather_facts parallel=true in check mode

#82718 add error handling when parsing values in ini files

#82721 Ignore empty vault filenames

#82731 [WIP] Make sure that none is not accepted for required module options

#82772 Auto-inject coverage defaults through a plugin

#82772 Auto-inject coverage defaults through a plugin

#82772 Auto-inject coverage defaults through a plugin

#82772 Auto-inject coverage defaults through a plugin

#82772 Auto-inject coverage defaults through a plugin

#82803 The extension returned by the splitext contains the dot

#82806 ๐Ÿงช๐Ÿ’… Publish coverage XML report to Azure DevOps

#82825 Address non-UTF8 module responses with `diff` in git module

#82829 Feature: sort entries in FILES.json for reproducibility in ansible galaxy build

#82829 Feature: sort entries in FILES.json for reproducibility in ansible galaxy build

890. lib/ansible/galaxy 1 total

#81698 ansible-galaxy collection publish ignores --token argument when custom galaxy server is configured

#82068 SyntaxError: future feature annotations is not defined

#82075 filter "human_to_bytes" will happily parse strings it shouldn't

#82424 Lookup or filter variant of include_vars

#82780 module_utils/urls.py MAXHEADERS

#82852 any_errors_fatal: do not fail unreachable hosts

#82852 any_errors_fatal: do not fail unreachable hosts

#82852 any_errors_fatal: do not fail unreachable hosts

#82881 Fix package manager determination when delegate_to is unsafe

#82881 Fix package manager determination when delegate_to is unsafe

#82899 use FQCN in deb822_repository examples

#82921 sequence lookup parameter

#82935 Update bundled distro to 1.9.0

#82959 systemd_service - Add the machine parameter (#82958)

#82963 Add a --namespace option to ansible-galaxy role import

#82967 utilize pathlib.Path instead of os.path.join()

#82967 utilize pathlib.Path instead of os.path.join()

#82977 action - remove deprecated functionality from plugin

#83014 feat: checksum_algo param for find module

#83014 feat: checksum_algo param for find module

#83038 vault, update options to current recomendations

#83070 modules/apt: add support for apt-patterns

#83070 modules/apt: add support for apt-patterns

#83080 powershell - Improve Add-Type tempdir handler

#83080 powershell - Improve Add-Type tempdir handler

#83080 powershell - Improve Add-Type tempdir handler

#83080 powershell - Improve Add-Type tempdir handler

#83080 powershell - Improve Add-Type tempdir handler

#83080 powershell - Improve Add-Type tempdir handler

#83085 Extend ProxyHandler to support CIDR ranges for no_proxy

#83085 Extend ProxyHandler to support CIDR ranges for no_proxy

#83085 Extend ProxyHandler to support CIDR ranges for no_proxy

#83085 Extend ProxyHandler to support CIDR ranges for no_proxy

#83085 Extend ProxyHandler to support CIDR ranges for no_proxy

#83085 Extend ProxyHandler to support CIDR ranges for no_proxy

#83085 Extend ProxyHandler to support CIDR ranges for no_proxy

#83088 dpkg_selections fixes for 'unprimed' pkgs

#83088 dpkg_selections fixes for 'unprimed' pkgs

#83113 Fix Creating user directory using tilde always reports "changed"

#83113 Fix Creating user directory using tilde always reports "changed"

#83129 config, integrate dynamic galaxy servers

#83145 Add Keycloak service account auth capability to ansible-galaxy

#83189 Fix unable to find pip in the virtualenv when using relative path

#83206 timeout give extra info

#83206 timeout give extra info

#83209 linear: fix included handlers executing in lockstep

#83209 linear: fix included handlers executing in lockstep

#83209 linear: fix included handlers executing in lockstep

#83209 linear: fix included handlers executing in lockstep

#83217 debconf: set empty password value

#83217 debconf: set empty password value

#83220 ansible-test: replace RHEL 9.3 with 9.4

#83221 Remove Python 3.10 support for the controller

943. hacking/README.md 1 total

#83221 Remove Python 3.10 support for the controller

#83221 Remove Python 3.10 support for the controller

#83221 Remove Python 3.10 support for the controller

#83221 Remove Python 3.10 support for the controller

#83230 apt_*: add more info message while updating apt cache

#83251 move some git integration test setup into the test

#83251 move some git integration test setup into the test

#83251 move some git integration test setup into the test

#83251 move some git integration test setup into the test

#83251 move some git integration test setup into the test

#83251 move some git integration test setup into the test

#83251 move some git integration test setup into the test

#83251 move some git integration test setup into the test

#83256 test: Cleanup facts/network/* tests

#83256 test: Cleanup facts/network/* tests

#83256 test: Cleanup facts/network/* tests

#83257 Remove extraneous pylint ignore

#83260 FreeBSD: add tests for fact gathering

#83260 FreeBSD: add tests for fact gathering

#83260 FreeBSD: add tests for fact gathering

#83260 FreeBSD: add tests for fact gathering

#83260 FreeBSD: add tests for fact gathering

#83260 FreeBSD: add tests for fact gathering

#83260 FreeBSD: add tests for fact gathering

#83260 FreeBSD: add tests for fact gathering

#83260 FreeBSD: add tests for fact gathering

#83261 test: tests for capsh

#83261 test: tests for capsh

#83261 test: tests for capsh

#83261 test: tests for capsh

#83262 ansible-test: replace Fedora 39 with 40

#83262 ansible-test: replace Fedora 39 with 40

#83266 test for gathering FIPS facts

#83266 test for gathering FIPS facts